
Prestashop Module providing a set of shell/terminal commands for developers (PrestaShop 1.7.5+)

Primary LanguagePHPAcademic Free License v3.0AFL-3.0

Console for PrestaShop 1.7

This repository provides a Command that better supports PrestaShop legacy classes using the current PrestaShop Console and a list of useful commands that you can use and reuse for learning purposes.

This module is released under MIT license.


cd modules 
git clone https://github.com/friends-of-presta/fop_console.git
cd fop_console
composer install
cd ../../
php bin/console pr:mo install fop_console

Current commands

  • fop:clear-cache Clear the cache folder super fast
  • fop:debug-mode Enable or Disable debug mode
  • fop:shop-status Display shop(s) status(es)
  • fop:maintenance get status or change maintenance mode, list or add maintenance ip address
  • fop:images:generate:categories Regenerate categories thumbnails
  • fop:images:generate:manufacturers Regenerate manufacturers thumbnails
  • fop:images:generate:products Regenerate products thumbnails
  • fop:images:generate:stores Regenerate stores thumbnails
  • fop:images:generate:suppliers Regenerate suppliers thumbnails
  • fop:generate:htaccess Generate the .htaccess file
  • fop:generate:robots Generate the robots.txt file
  • fop:theme-reset Reset current (or selected) theme
  • fop:add-hook : Create a new hook in database
  • fop:unhook-module : Ungraft module on specific hook
  • fop:hook-module : Graft module on specific hook
  • fop:latest-products: Displays the latest products
  • fop:export: Exports object models in XML
  • fop:check-container Health check of the Service Container, for now list the services we can't use in Symfony commands

Create your owns Commands

The official documentation from PrestaShop and Symfony Core teams are still right, but you needs to extends our class.


namespace Your\Own\Namespace;

use FOP\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

 * This command is a working exemple.
final class Export extends Command
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configure()

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);

        $io->text('Hello friends of PrestaShop!');

What's next?

The current strategy is to configure a Context before the execution of the Command. This works well but we like to make it more configurable from the Console arguments.


Feel free to add more commands, post some issues or new PR : contributions are very welcome.