
Eclectic family of LaTeX libraries.

Primary LanguageTeXOtherNOASSERTION


An eclectic family of LaTeX libraries to avoid boilerplate and iron out old rough edges.


One-shot projects

Copy the eclectex directory to your LaTeX project, and \usepackage. Optionally remove unused packages from eclectex.

Git-managed projects

You can add eclecTeX as a plain submodule:

git submodule add -b base --name eclectex -- ~/Projects/eclectex eclectex
git ci -m "Added eclecTeX submodule."

and create a `config' branch where you manage the desired configuration:

cd eclectex
git checkout -b config

and then pull in all desired submodules into your current configuration:

git pull origin university-course-notes
git commit -m "Added university-course-notes."