
A small programming demonstrating why Lean's subprocess functionality doesn't seem to work very well.

Primary LanguageLean

Test to execute clang as a subprocess in a Lean program

EDIT: This has been fixed in Elan, this issue is no longer relevant.

UPDATE: The issue is that elan shim prepends the toolchain lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Please see issue here. A temporary solution is to run Lean from the direct installation and not via Elan. So run ~/.elan/toolchains/.../bin/lake instead of just lake.

dd>>>>>>> 4fd926f (Update the README because the issue is fixed.)

This is a very small program written in Lean which only spawns clang as a subprocess and prints it stdout, stderr and exit code. I get a very strange output on my machine signifying that clang cannot find its shared libraries (.so-files). Note that I'm talking about the .so files that the clang executable needs to run and not anything else. The fact that clang is a compiler is just a coincidence.

I consider this to be a bug in Lean's "spawn-subprocess-functionality" and would be happy if someone could fix it or explain why so is not the case.


You need to install the Lean build system Lake. Then run (from the repository root):

$ lake exe lean_clang_test
Stderr: clang: symbol lookup error: clang: undefined symbol: LLVMInitializeHexagonAsmParser, version LLVM_15
Exit code: 127

That is at least the output I get on my machine. I have no problems running clang as a normal command in the shell, so I think something is wrong with Lean's subprocess spawning function.


All the relevant code can be found in Main.lean. It is just 5 lines, so I'll paste it here:

def main : IO Unit := do
  let res ← IO.Process.output { cmd := "clang" }
  IO.println s!"Stdout: {res.stdout}"
  IO.println s!"Stderr: {res.stderr}"
  IO.println s!"Exit code: {res.exitCode}"


I found this when I was trying to compile some C++ bindings in a Lean library. First I compiled them with GCC, but due to ABI compatability issues between libstdc++ and libc++ I tried to switch to Clang. However, then I got this strange error which was very frustrating and took half a night to debug :)