
Hacktkober 'n' Slash (C++ turn-based RPG game)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Turn: Hacktober 'n' Slash Build Status CMake

Turn is a turn-based terminal RPG game written in C++. Contributions are encouraged, especially during Hacktoberfest!


Battle screen Menu screen

Getting Started



Clone this project by running git clone https://github.com/tagniam/Turn.git in your terminal.

Building & Running


  • In your Command Prompt or Powershell, make sure you are in the Turn directory.

  • For the right generator see Visual Studio Generators.

  • To build with Visual Studio 16 2019 run the following commands:

    $ cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
    $ cmake --build build
  • Start the game by running build\Turn.exe.

Alternative: Generate solution with CMake and build with Visual Studio

  • Run CMake on the Turn directory to generate a .sln solution file for Visual Studio. You can find a tutorial here.

    $ cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
  • Run Visual Studio and open the generated .sln solution file.

  • Build the project by clicking Build -> Build Solution.

  • Start the game by clicking the green Run button in the toolbar.


  • In your terminal, make sure you are in the Turn directory.

  • Run the following commands:

    $ cmake -S . -B build
    $ cmake --build build
  • Start the game by running ./build/Turn.


See the game manual located in the wiki.



  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.