
This is a plugin for Fluentd.


fluent-plugin-config-expander fluentd ruby
>= 1.0.0 >= v0.14.0 >= 2.1
< 1.0.0 < v0.14.0 >= 1.9

ConfigExpanderInput, ConfigExpanderOutput

ConfigExpanderInput, ConfigExpanderFilter and ConfigExpanderOutput plugins provide simple configuration template to write items repeatedly. In <config> section, you can write actual configuration for actual input/filter/output plugin, with special directives for loop controls.

And also supports built-in placeholders below:

  • hostname (ex: __HOSTNAME__, __hostname__, ${hostname}, ${HOSTNAME})


For all of input, filter and output (for <source>, <filter> and <match>), you can use 'config_expander' and its 'for' directive like below:

<match example.**>
  @type config_expander
    @type forward
    flush_interval 30s
    <for x in 01 02 03>
        host worker__x__.local
        port 24224

Configuration above is equal to below:

<match example.**>
  @type forward
  flush_interval 30s
    host worker01.local
    port 24224
    host worker02.local
    port 24224
    host worker03.local
    port 24224

As placeholder, you can use '${varname}' style:

<match example.**>
  @type config_expander
    @type forward
    flush_interval 30s
    <for node in 01 02 03>
        host worker${node}.local
        port 24224

Nested 'for' directive is valid:

<match example.**>
  @type config_expander
    @type forward
    flush_interval 30s
    <for x in 01 02 03>
      <for p in 24221 24222 24223 24224
          host worker__x__.local
          port __p__

Set hostname into tag in 'tail' input plugin:

  @type config_expander
    @type tail
    @label @access_events
    format /..../
    path /var/log/access.log
    tag access.log.${hostname}


  • more tests
  • patches welcome!


  • Copyright (c) 2012- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0