
Fluentd plugin to emit notifications for messages, with numbers over/under threshold, or specified pattern strings.


fluent-plugin-notifier fluentd ruby
>= 1.0.0 >= v0.14.0 >= 2.1
< 1.0.0 < v0.14.0 >= 1.9


To notify apache logs with over 1000000 (microseconds) duration for CRITICAL , or status '500' by string pattern match:

<match apache.log.**>
  @type notifier
  @label @notification_events
    pattern apache_duration
    check numeric_upward
    warn_threshold  800000
    crit_threshold 1000000
    target_keys duration
    pattern status_500
    check string_find
    warn_regexp 5\d\d
    crit_regexp 500
    target_key_pattern ^status.*$
    exclude_key_pattern ^status_ignore_.*$  # key name not to notify about...

With this configuration, you will get notification messages in <label @notification_events> section, like this:

2012-05-15 19:44:29 +0900 notification: {"pattern":"apache_duration","target_tag":"apache.log.xxx","target_key":"duration","check_type":"numeric_upward","level":"crit","threshold":1000000,"value":"1057231","message_time":"2012-05-15 19:44:27 +0900"}
2012-05-15 19:44:29 +0900 notification: {"pattern":"status_500","target_tag":"apache.log.xxx","target_key":"status","check_type":"string_find","level":"crit","regexp":"/500/","value":"500","message_time":"2012-05-15 19:44:27 +0900"}

Available 'check' types: 'numeric_upward', 'numeric_downward' and 'string_find'

Default configurations:

  • tag: 'notification'
    • in top level, 'default_tag', 'default_tag_warn,' and 'default_tag_crit' available
    • in each section, 'tag', 'tag_warn' and 'tag_crit' available
  • notification suppression
    • at first, notified once in 1 minute, 5 times
    • next, notified once in 5 minutes, 5 times
    • last, notified once in 30 minutes
    • in top level, 'default_interval_1st', 'default_interval_2nd', 'default_interval_3rd', 'default_repetitions_1st' and 'default_repetitions_2nd' available
    • in each section, 'interval_1st', 'interval_2nd', 'interval_3rd', 'repetitions_1st' and 'repetitions_2nd' available

If you want to get every 5 minutes notifications (after 1 minutes notifications), specify '0' for 'repetitions_2nd'.

Message Testing

To include specified messages into check target, or to exclude specified messages from check target, directive is useful.

<match apache.log.**>
  @type notifier
  @label @notifications
    check numeric
    target_key duration     # microseconds
    lower_threshold 5000    # 5ms
    upper_threshold 5000000 # 5s
    pattern status_500
    check string_find
    warn_regexp 5\d\d
    crit_regexp 500
    target_key_pattern ^status.*$

<label @notifications>
  <match **>
    # send notifications to Slack, email or ...

With configuration above, fluent-plugin-notifier checks messages with specified duration value (d: 5000 <= d <= 5000000), and others are ignored.

Available 'check' types are: 'numeric', 'regexp' and 'tag'.

  • numeric
    • 'lower_threshold', 'upper_threshold' and both are available
  • regexp, tag
    • 'include_pattern', 'exclude_pattern' and both are available
    • 'tag' checks tag strings after 'input_tag_remove_prefix'

Multiple directives means logical AND of each tests.

<match apache.log.**>
  @type notifier
  @label @notifications
  input_tag_remove_prefix apache.log
    check tag
    include_pattern ^news[123]$ # for specified web server log
    check numeric
    target_key duration     # microseconds
    lower_threshold 5000    # 5ms
    check regexp
    target_key vhost
    exclude_pattern ^image.news.example.com$  # ingore image delivery server log
    check regexp
    target_key path
    include_pattern ^/path/to/contents/    # for specified content path only
    exclude_pattern \.(gif|jpg|png|swf)$   # but image files are ignored
    pattern status_500
    check string_find
    warn_regexp 5\d\d
    crit_regexp 500
    target_key_pattern ^status.*$

Notifier plugin configured like this will check messages:

  • with tag 'apache.log.news1', 'apache.log.news2' or 'apache.log.news3'
  • with duration bigger than 5ms (upper unlimited)
  • without vhost image.news.example.com
  • with request path '/path/to/contents/*' and without file suffix gif/jpg/png/swf.


  • patches welcome!


  • Copyright
    • Copyright (c) 2012- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0