
Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Client library and command to operate GrowthForecast.


  • Update graph value, or create/edit/delete basic graphs and complex graphs from your own code
  • Check, or edit/create basic/complex graphs with YAML specs, keywords and gfclient command

USE GrowthForecast v0.33 or later


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'growthforecast'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install growthforecast


Client Library

Update graph's value:

require 'growthforecast'
gf = GrowthForecast.new('your.gf.host.name', 5125)

gf.post('servicename', 'sectionname', 'graphname', 50)
#### or post with graph mode and color
# gf.post('servicename', 'sectionname', 'graphname', 50, 'gauge', '#ff00ff')

Get graph list and full descripted object:

glist = gf.graphs() #=> [] or array of GrowthForecast::Path

glist[0].complex? #=> false

graph = gf.graph(glist[0].id) #=> instance of GrowthForecast::Graph

graph.created_at #=> instance of Time

### complex
clist = gf.complexes() #=> [] or array of GrowthForecast::Path

clist[0].complex? #=> true

complex = gf.complex(clist[0].id) #=> instance of GrowthForecast::Complex

complex.data        #=> array of GrowthForecast::Complex::Item

complex.data[1].graph_id #=> id of GrowthForecast::Graph
complex.data[1].stack    #=> boolean
complex.data[1].gmode    #=> 'gauge' or 'subtract'
complex.data[1].type     #=> 'AREA', 'LINE1' or 'LINE2'

### get data of elements of complex graph

complex.data.each do |e|
  graph = gf.graph(e.graph_id) #=> GrowthForecast::Graph
  # ...

### get full list of both of graph and complex

list = gf.all() #=> array of GrowthForecast::Graph and GrowthForecast::Complex

tree = gf.tree()
   #=> instance of GrowthForecast::Graph or GrowthForecast::Complex

### Or more simply, get one by path name
### (heavy operation: consider to cache result of gf.all() or gf.tree() to call multiple times)
one = gf.by_name('service', 'section', 'name')
   #=> instance of GrowthForecast::Graph or GrowthForecast::Complex

To edit:

target = gf.graph(glist.first.id)

target.description = 'OK, we are now testing...'
target.color = '#000000'
target.type = 'LINE2'

result = gf.edit(target) #=> boolean: success or not

raise "Something goes wrong..." unless result

### invert complex graph element order
complex = gf.complex(clist.last.id)



### add graph into complex graph's data

item = GrowthForecast::Complex::Item.new({graph_id: g.id, stack: true, gmode: 'gauge', type: 'AREA'})


### delete graph
gf.delete(graph)   #=> if false, not deleted correctly...

To add graph, add_graph() and add() are available:

# add_graph(service, section, graph_name, initial_value=0, color=nil, mode=nil)
## color default: nil(random)
## mode  default: nil('gauge')
gf.add_graph('example', 'test', 'graph1')

# add(spec)
## spec: instance of GrowthForecast::Graph
spec = GrowthForecast::Graph.new({service_name: 'example', section_name: 'test', graph_name: 'graph1', color: '#0000ff'})

As same as graph, to add complex, add_complex() and add() are available:

# add_complex(service, section, graph_name, description, sumup, sort, type, gmode, stack, data_graph_ids)
## sumup: true or false
## sort: 0-19
## type,gmode,stack: specify all options of members of data, with same value
## type: 'AREA', 'LINE1', 'LINE2'
## gmode: 'gauge', 'subtract'
## stack: true or false
gf.add_complex('example', 'test', 'summary1', 'testing...', true, 0, 'AREA', 'gauge', true, [graph1.id, graph2.id])

# add(spec)
## spec: instance of GrowthForecast::Complex
spec = GrowthForecast::Complex.new({
  complex: true,
  service_name: 'example', section_name: 'test', graph_name: 'summary1',
  description: 'testing...', sumup: true,
  data: graph_id_list.map{|id| GrowthForecast::Complex::Item.new({graph_id: id, type: 'AREA', gmode: 'gauge', stack: true}) }
# hmm, i want not to stack last of data, and want to show by bold line.
spec.data.last.stack = false
spec.data.last.type = 'LINE2'


add() accepts graph/complex instance already exists as template:

# copy template complex graph
complex_spec = gf.complex(template.id)

complex_spec.graph_name = 'copy_of_template_1' # you MUST change one of service/section/graph at least
complex_spec.description = '....'

gf.add(complex_spec) # add() ignores 'id' attribute

Basic Authentication

Set username and password:

gf = GrowthForecast.new(hostname, portnum)
gf.username = 'whoami'
gf.password = 'secret'

# ...


  -f, --force     create/edit graphs with spec (default: check only)

  -H, --host=HOST  set growthforecast hostname (overwrite configuration in spec)
  -P, --port=PORT  set growthforecast port number

  -u, --user=USER  set username for growthforecast basic authentication
  -p, --pass=PASS  set password

      --prefix=PREFIX  set growthforecast uri prefix

  -l, --list=PATH  set keywords list file path (keywords set per line)
                     do check/edit many times with this option
                     (ignore default keywords)
  -a, --get-all    get and cache all graph data at first (default: get incrementally)
  -g, --debug      enable debug mode

  -h, --help      show this message

gfclient checks all patterns of TARGET_NAME in spec yaml file's specs -> check section and specs -> edit section. Spec file examples are example/testspec.yaml and example/spec.yaml.

Minimal example is:

  host: your.gf.host.local
  port: 5125
  - name: 'example1'
      - 'target'
      - 'groupname'
      - name: 'metrics1'
        path: 'pageviews/${target}/total'
        color: '#1111ff'
      - name: 'metrics2'
        path: 'pageviews/${target}/bot'
        color: '#ff1111'
      - name: 'all metrics'
        path: '${groupname}/pageviews/all'
        complex: true
        description: 'Pageviews graph (team: ${groupname}, service: ${target})'
        stack: false
        type: 'LINE2'
          - path: 'pageviews/${target}/total'
          - path: 'pageviews/${target}/bot'
            type: 'LINE1'

With configurations above and command line below:

 $ gfclient spec.yaml example1 myservice super_team

gfclient works with GrowthForecast at http://your.gf.host.local:5125/ like this:

  1. check pageviews/myservice/total and pageviews/myservice/bot exists or not
  2. check these are configured with specified configuration parameters or not
  3. check super_team/pageviews/all complex graph exists or not, and is configured correctly or not
  4. report result

gfclient do check only without options. With -f or --force option, graphs specified in edit section are created/editted.

  1. check pageviews/myservice/total and pageviews/myservice/bot exists or not, and are configured correctly or not
  2. abort when any mismatches found for check section specs
  3. check graph specs in edit section
  4. create graph if specified path is not found
  5. edit graph if specified graph's configuration doesn't matches with spec

name and path attributes must be specified in each check/edit items, and complex: true must be specified for complex graph. Others are optional (missing configuration attributes are ignored for check, and specified as default value for create).

(bold item is required)

  • basic graph
    • name (label of this spec item)
    • path (string like service/section/graph)
    • description (text)
    • mode (string: 'gauge', 'subtract' or 'both')
    • sort (number: 19-0)
    • color (string like '#0088ff')
    • type (string: 'AREA', 'LINE1' or 'LINE2') (LINE2 meas bold)
    • ulimit, llimit (number: effective range upper/lower limit)
    • stype (string: 'AREA', 'LINE1' or 'LINE2') (mode of subtract graph)
    • sulimit, llimit (number: effective range of subtract graph)
  • complex graph
    • name (label of this spec item)
    • path (string like service/section/graph)
    • complex (true or false: true must be specified for complex graph)
    • description (text)
    • sort (number: 19-0)
    • sumup (true or false: display sum up value or not)
    • mode/type/stack (global options for items of data, and may be overwritten by mode/type/stack of each items of data)
    • data (list of basic graph in this complex graph)
      • path (string: path of graph like service/section/graph)
      • mode (string: 'gauge' or 'subtract')
      • type (string: 'AREA', 'LINE1' or 'LINE2')
      • stack (true or false)

Spec file configurations (all of these are optional, and may be overwritten by command line options):

  host: 'hostname.of.growthforecast' # default: localhost
  port: 80         # default: 5125
  prefix: '/gf'    # default: '/' (for cases if you mount GrowthForecast on subpath of web server)
  username: 'name' # username of GrowthForecast's HTTP Basic authentication (default: none)
  password: 'pass' # password (default: none)
  debug: false     # show errors in growthforecast http response or not (default: false)
  getall: false    # get and cache all graph informations before all checks
                   # (default false, but you should specify true if your gf has many graphs)

You can check/edit many graphs with keywords list file like gfclient -l listfile spec.yaml targetname:

# keyword1 keyword2
xx1        yy1
xx2        yy2

# blank and comments are ok (but invalid for line-end comment)
aa1   bb1
aa2   bb2


  • validations of specs
  • diff of 2 graph objects
  • tests


  • Copyright (c) 2013- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0
    • see 'LICENSE'