
The next facebook, big hit on the market, scale big. All fellows Yolo Driven Developers feel free to push to the master!


The next facebook, big hit on the market, scale big. All fellows Yolo Driven Developers feel free to push ot the master!

You should read the Yolo Driven Development Rules FIRST!


  • Do not refactor, it is a bad practice. YOLO

  • Not understanding why or how something works is always good. YOLO

  • Do not ever test your code yourself, just ask. YOLO

  • No one is going to read your code, at any point don't comment. YOLO

  • Why do it the easy way when you can reinvent the wheel? Future-proofing is for pussies. YOLO

  • Do not read the documentation. YOLO

  • Do not waste time with gists. YOLO

  • Do not write specs. YOLO also matches to YDD (YOLO DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT)

  • Do not use naming conventions. YOLO

  • Paying for online tutorials is always better than just searching and reading. YOLO

  • You always use production as an environment. YOLO

  • Don't describe what you're trying to do, just ask random questions on how to do it. YOLO

  • Don't indent. YOLO

  • Version control systems are for wussies. YOLO

  • Developing on a system similar to the deployment system is for wussies! YOLO

  • I don't always test my code, but when I do, I do it in production. YOLO

  • Real men deploy with ftp. YOLO

  • Who needs numbers anyway? YOLO

  • Edit Markdown without previewing. YOLO