Autozoombot is a tool that allows you to automatically attend your classes on time.
Open command prompt and type:
cd Desktop (go to the file path where you downloaded the tool with the "cd" command)
cd autozoombot-main (after extracted the zip)
pip install -r requirements.txt
(if you didn't download pip or got error you can install from here
Do not close the command prompt
Make sure to close all windows and free up the desktop
The input should be in the given format:
Time : hh:mm:ss (Example: 08:35:00)
Meeting ID : 1234567890 (Max lenght 10 or 11 characters)
Meeting Password : 1234 (Example)
I am not responsible for any troubles caused to you, make sure to test it before executing.
Zoom app (logged in)
Python - you can download and install from here