
The aim of this project is to add Dynamic Language Support by following the best practices on NETCore

Primary LanguageC#


  • The goal of the project is to insert a middleware into an API developed with NetCore 8, which operates between the Request and Response. The middleware, based on the language value corresponding to the support_language key written in the HTTP Request header, retrieves data from the database in a language-specific manner and configures it with AutoMapper to return as a Response.
  • All mentioned processes are designed to work dynamically.

How to Use

  • Include the source code of the project in your own project.

  • To conform to the dynamically configured system using AutoMapper, you can use two different methods:

    • MapFromLanguage Method
      • Utilize the extended MapFromLanguage method to perform dynamic language mapping via a delegate I defined.
      • .ForMember(dest => dest.Description, opt => opt.MapFromLanguage(opt.DestinationMember));
      • If defined as above, the system will automatically search for Description_EN or DescriptionEN in the header with the condition en_EN and assign it to the destination dest.Description. If the respective property is not defined, it will assign to Description. If that is also not available, it returns an empty string.
    • DynamicLanguageResolver Method
      • Another option is to benefit from the DynamicLanguageResolver class I created.
      • .ForMember(dest => dest.Name, opt => opt.MapFrom<DynamicLanguageResolver, string>(p=>"Name"))
      • Here, it doesn't automatically take the selected property, but if you specify which property to search for in the parameter as shown, you provide a solution behind the scenes using reflection similar to the first method.
  • You can customize AutoMapper configurations by taking examples from the delegates I wrote.

    • This method works depending on the property and needs to be specifically written.
    • .ForMember(dest => dest.Name, opt => opt.MapFrom(MapFunc.ReturnNameLanguageDynamic))
    • As you can see from the example, by creating a special delegate for the Name property, you can write your own delegates and use them in the way I wrote.

Sample Distributions

  • Examples for fully dynamic operations are exemplified on the Category class, and examples for operations working specifically for each property are exemplified on the Product class in the project.