
this is slot-machine game developing by javascript and css and html5

Primary LanguageJavaScript

slot machine

slot machine is a javascript game for web


just open index.html in your browser (Google Chrome)

see game online: https://factotum.ir/game/slot-machine/

about Game

the game has two mode, random and fixed you can switch between them by switch button on the top left; in random mode the reel spin and stop on random symbols then machine calculate your score. balance on start is 200 in fixed mode you have to select symbol and the line then press on ok and slot machin start spinning and simulate like random mode.

any spin cost 1 coin;

In fixed mode by dobuble click on balcne you can edit it. (1...5000)

In case that more than one line has a point in the pay-table the bigger one will be count.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Add sound effects

Make it responsive
