
Test project using the bodywork package.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


ML-Ops on k8s using Bodywork

This repository contains a simple Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) project, that demonstrates how to configure a machine learning solution for deployment to Kubernetes (k8s) using the Bodywork ML-Ops framework.


If you want to execute the examples below, then you will need to have access to a k8s cluster via the kubectl CLI tool, preferably with authorisation as an admin user. Bodywork is optimised for k8s v1.16 and Python 3.7.

A Machine Learning Task

The Machine Learning (ML) problem we have chosen to use for this example, is the classification of iris plants into one of their three sub-species using the iris plants dataset. The ml_prototype_work.ipynb notebook found in the root of this repository, documents the trivial ML workflow used to train a Decision Tree classifier for this multi-class classification task, as well as to prototype some of the work that will be required to engineer and deploy the final prediction (or scoring) service.

Configuring a Bodywork Batch Stage for Training the Model

The stage-1-train-model directory contains the code and configuration required to train the model within a pre-built container on a k8s cluster, as a batch workload. Using the ml_prototype_work.ipynb notebook as a reference, the train_model.py module contains the code required to:

  • download data from an AWS S3 bucket;
  • pre-process the data (e.g. extract labels for supervised learning);
  • train the model and compute performance metrics; and,
  • persist the model to the same AWS S3 bucket that contains the original data.

The requirements.txt file lists the 3rd party Python packages that will be Pip-installed on the pre-built Bodywork host container, as required to run the train_model.py script. Finally, the config.ini file allows us to specify that this stage is a batch stage (as opposed to a service-deployment), that train_model.py should be the script that is run, as well as an estimate of the CPU and memory resources to request from the k8s cluster, how long to wait and how many times to retry, etc.

Configuring a Bodywork Service-Deployment Stage for Creating a ML Scoring Service

The stage-2-deploy-scoring-service directory contains the code and configuration required to load the model trained in stage-1-train-model and use it as part of the code for a RESTful API endpoint definition, that will accept a single instance (or row) of data encoded as JSON in a HTTP request, and return the model's prediction as JSON data in the corresponding HTTP response. We have decided to chose the Python Flask framework with which to create our REST API server, which will be deployed to k8s and exposed as a service on the cluster, after this stage completes. The use of Flask is not a requirement in any way and you are free to use different frameworks - e.g. FastAPI.

Within this stage's directory, requirements.txt lists the 3rd party Python packages that will be Pip-installed on the Bodywork host container in order to run serve_model.py, which defines the REST API server containing our ML scoring endpoint. The config.ini file allows us to specify that this stage is a service-deployment stage (as opposed to a batch stage), that serve_model.py should be the script that is run, as well as an estimate of the CPU and memory resources to request from the k8s cluster, how long to wait for the service to start-up and be 'ready', which port to expose and how many instances (or replicas) of the server should be created to stand-behind the cluster-service.

Configuring the Complete Bodywork Workflow

The bodywork.ini file in the root of this repository contains the configuration for the whole workflow - a workflow being a collection of stages, run in a specific order, that can be represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (or DAG). The most important element is the specification of the workflow DAG, which in this instance is simple,

DAG = stage-1-train-model >> stage-2-deploy-scoring-service

i.e. train the model and then (if successful) deploy the scoring service.

Testing the Workflow

Firstly, make sure that the bodywork package has been Pip-installed into a local Python environment that is active. Then, make sure that there is a namespace setup for use by bodywork projects - e.g. iris-classification - by running the following at the command line,

bodywork setup-namespace iris-classification

Which should result in the following output,

creating namespace=iris-classification
creating service-account=bodywork-workflow-controller in namespace=iris-classification
creating cluster-role-binding=bodywork-workflow-controller--iris-classification
creating service-account=bodywork-jobs-and-deployments in namespace=iris-classification

Then, the workflow can be tested by running the workflow-controller locally using,

bodywork workflow \
    --namespace=iris-classification \
    https://github.com/bodywork-ml/bodywork-ml-ops-project \

Which will run the workflow defined in the master branch of this GitHub repository, all within the iris-classification namespace. The logs from the workflow-controller and the containers nested within each constituent stage, will be streamed to the command-line to inform you on the precise state of the workflow, but you can also keep track of the current state of all k8s resources created by the workflow-controller in the iris-classification namespace, by using the kubectl CLI tool - e.g.,

kubectl -n iris-classification get all

Once the workflow has completed, the ML scoring service deployed within your cluster can be tested from your local machine, by first of all running kubectl proxy in one shell, and then in a new shell use the curl tool as follows,

curl http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/iris-classification/services/bodywork-ml-ops-project--stage-2-deploy-scoring-service/proxy/iris/v1/score \
    --request POST \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{"sepal_length": 5.1, "sepal_width": 3.5, "petal_length": 1.4, "petal_width": 0.2}'

If successful, you should get the following response,

    "model_info": "DecisionTreeClassifier(class_weight='balanced', random_state=42)"

Executing the Workflow on a Schedule

If you're happy with the test results, then you can schedule the workflow-controller to operate remotely on the cluster as a k8s cronjob. To setup the the workflow to run every hour, for example, use the following command,

bodywork cronjob create \
    --namespace=iris-classification \
    --name=iris-classification \
    --schedule="0 * * * *" \

Each scheduled workflow will attempt to re-run the workflow, end-to-end, as defined by the state of this repository's master branch at the time of execution - performing rolling-updates to service-deployments and automatic roll-backs in the event of failure.

To get the execution history for all iris-classification jobs use,

bodywork cronjob history \
    --namespace=iris-classification \

Which should return output along the lines of,

JOB_NAME                                START_TIME                    COMPLETION_TIME               ACTIVE      SUCCEEDED       FAILED
iris-classification-1605214260          2020-11-12 20:51:04+00:00     2020-11-12 20:52:34+00:00     0           1               0

Then to stream the logs from any given cronjob run (e.g. to debug and/or monitor for errors), use,

bodywork cronjob logs \
    --namespace=iris-classification \

Cleaning Up

To clean-up the deployment in its entirety, delete the namespace using kubectl - e.g. by running,

kubectl delete ns iris-classification

Where to go from Here

Read the official Bodywork documentation (coming soon)!