
demo for a .Net Core Web API on Docker and K8S

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Running a .Net Core Web API on Docker and K8S

Setting up .Net Core Web API

We can start with a .net core web api as an example. The application will run on Docker. To create it, we can proceed with the terminal command below.

dotnet new webapi -o WeatherAPI

This will create a project with necessary structure. Run the api by typing following on terminal.

you can run the API on your local machine using the below command:

cd WeatherAPI 
dotnet run # Run application in DEV mode

Run application using Docker/Docker-Compose

Using Docker

docker build -t weather-api .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS='http://*:8080' weather-api

You can reach to the application by browsing to the exposed port:

curl http://localhost:8080/weatherForecast

Using Docker-Compose

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

You can reach to the application by browsing to the exposed port:

curl http://localhost:8080/weatherForecast

Run application using K8S

kubectl apply -f k8s-deployment-service-weather-api.yaml # will deploy the weather-api service but will not expose it
kubectl apply -f k8s-deployment-service-ngnix-rev-proxy.yaml # will work as a reverse proxy for the weather-api
kubectl delete -f k8s-deployment-service-weather-api.yaml # delete weather-api resources
kubectl delete -f k8s-deployment-service-ngnix-rev-proxy.yaml # delete reverse proxy resources
kubectl get all # Get deployment status
kubectl logs <Pod_Name> # to get a pod logs
kubectl exec -it <Pod_Name> -- sh # ssh to pod

if you want to enable the k8s metrics server on your local docker desktop deploy the k8s-metrics-server.yaml service.

kubectl apply -f k8s-metrics-server.yaml # deploy metrics server.
kubectl -n kube-system get all # validate that the metrics service has been properly deployed.
kubectl top pods # get pods usage 
kubectl top nodes # get nodes usage

You can reach to the application by browsing to the exposed port:

curl http://localhost:80/weatherForecast