
django-sage-streaming is a package based on Django Web Framework & Django Rest Framework for video streaming. We made this package in Django so that everyone can easily stream videos.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Django Sage Streaming

django-sage-streaming is a package based on Django Web Framework & Django Rest Framework for video streaming.

The Latest version of django-sage-streaming documentation


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Project Detail

You can find all technologies we used in our project into these files:

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Frameworks:
    • Django 3.2.5
  • Libraries:
    • Django rest framework 3.12.4
  • Language: Python 3.9.4


First install package

$ pip install django-sage-streaming

Then add sage_stream to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py


Also make sure you have rest_framework in INSTALLED_APPS


Getting Started

django-sage-streaming provides two ways that you can stream videos over HTTP:

  1. built-in API View: for using built-in view add sage_stream.api.urls to urls.py
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
  path('api/', include('sage_stream.api.urls')),

Now you can access the stream api here: localhost:8000/api/stream?path=<you_video_path>

The settings of built-in view is available here

  1. create custom views: you can use stream functions in your application
from sage_stream.utils.stream_services import get_streaming_response

response = get_streaming_response(
    path=video_path, # path to video
    range_header=range_header, # range header extracted from request
    range_re=range_re, # range header regex pattern (default is available in sage_stream.settings.STREAM_RANGE_HEADER_REGEX_PATTERN)
    max_load_volume=max_load_volume,  # the maximum volume of the response body

Other functions you can use

from sage_stream.utils.file_services import file_iterator  # iterates in given file chunk by chunk in generator mode
from sage_stream.utils.log_services import log_watch_request  # creates WatchLog instance with given data

# usage examples

# log
log_watch_request(video_path, request.user.is_authenticated, ip, request.user)

# file iterator
resp = StreamingHttpResponse(


django-sage-streaming also has logging system for watching requests

It is available in admin panel when you add sage_stream to INSTALLED_APPS


Here are the parameters that you can set from setting:

Parameter Description
STREAM_DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES permission_classes that used in built-in APIView. default: (AllowAny,)
STREAM_DEFAULT_VIDEO_PATH_URL_VAR url path variable key. default: path
STREAM_MAX_LOAD_VOLUME maximum load video in each chunk(by MB). default: 8
STREAM_WATCH_LOG_ENABLED is log watch requests enabled. default: True
STREAM_RANGE_HEADER_REGEX_PATTERN range header regex pattern. default: r'bytes\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d*)'


Frontend implementation is so easy

you just need to add stream url as src in video tag

<video width="480" controls>
    <source src="http://localhost:8000/api/stream/?path=<path_to_video>" type="video/mp4">


Sepehr Akbarzadeh Mehran Rahmanzadeh
Sepehr Akbarazadeh Mehran Rahmanzadeh