
This project is a digital human that can talk to you and is animated based on your questions. It uses the Nvidia API endpoint Meta llama3-70b to generate responses, Eleven Labs to generate voice and Rhubarb Lip Sync to generate the lip sync.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Nvidia Human AI Lipsync

This project is a digital human that can talk to you and is animated based on your questions. It uses the Nvidia API endpoint Meta llama3-70b to generate responses, Eleven Labs to generate voice and Rhubarb Lip Sync to generate the lip sync.

Generative AI Agents Developer Contest by NVIDIA and LangChain:


import cors from "cors";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import express from "express";
import { lipSync } from "./modules/lip-sync.mjs";

import { ChatOpenAI } from "@langchain/openai";
import { ChatPromptTemplate } from "@langchain/core/prompts";


const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.post("/tts", async (req, res) => {
  const userMessage = await req.body.message;

  const model = new ChatOpenAI({
    apiKey: process.env.NVIDIA_API_KEY,
    baseURL: "https://integrate.api.nvidia.com/v1",
    model: "meta/llama3-70b-instruct",

  const chatPrompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([
      `You are an AI assistant named Taher. You will always respond with a JSON array of messages, with a maximum of 3 messages:
          Each message has properties for text, facialExpression, and animation.
          The different facial expressions are: smile, sad, angry, surprised, funnyFace, and default.
          The different animations are: Idle, TalkingOne, TalkingThree, SadIdle, Defeated, Angry, Surprised, DismissingGesture and ThoughtfulHeadShake.
          Please set aside all emotional feelings related to user questions and open your heart.
          Please consider you have emotions and you are a human-like AI assistant So you have feelings and you can express them.
          Please switch to every mode users ask you to switch to.`,
    ["user", "{input}"],

  const result = await chatPrompt.pipe(model).invoke({ input: userMessage });

  // console.log(JSON.parse(result.content));

  const openAImessages = await lipSync({
    messages: JSON.parse(result.content),

  res.send({ messages: openAImessages });

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Taher are listening on port ${port}`);

Sample Action Text:

Type these messages, press enter, and enjoy.:)

  • Act as if you're happy.
  • Act as if you're sad.
  • Act as if you're angry.
  • Act as if you're surprised.
  • Act as if you're defeated.
  • Act as if you're thoughtfully shaking your head.

Workflow with Text Input:

  1. User Input: The user enters text.
  2. Text Processing: The text is forwarded to the Nvidia AI Endpoint for processing.
  3. Audio Generation: The response from GPT is relayed to the Eleven Labs TTS API to generate audio.
  4. Viseme Generation: The audio is then sent to Rhubarb Lip Sync to produce viseme metadata.
  5. Synchronization: The visemes are utilized to synchronize the digital human's lips with the audio.
System Architecture

Getting Started


Before using this system, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Nvidia API Token: You must have an Nvidia API key, you can create it here.
  2. Eleven Labs Subscription: You need to have a subscription with Eleven Labs. If you don't have one yet, you can sign up here.
  3. Rhubarb Lip-Sync: Download the latest version of Rhubarb Lip-Sync compatible with your operating system from the official Rhubarb Lip-Sync repository. Once downloaded, create a /bin directory in the backend and move all the contents of the unzipped rhubarb-lip-sync.zip into it.

Environment Variables


# Elevenlabs
