
Primary LanguagePython

Task 1: Database Schema in Django

For this task, I designed a database schema in models.py and other folders (stat_analysis, execution) to meet the specified requirements. The schema is visualized in the following diagram:

Database Schema


Note: If you want to use the superuser account, please user the following credentials. UserName: tahir Password: admin

Requirements and Implementation

Requirement 1: Account Management

Objective: An account manager registers new customer accounts.


  • Created AccountManager and Customer tables.
  • Linked these tables to the User model.
  • Added an associative entity AccountManagerCustomer to manage the relationships between account managers and customers.

Requirement 2: Order Creation and Visibility

Objective: Customers create orders, which should be visible to their account managers.


  • Implemented Order and ServiceOrder tables to manage customer orders and associated services.

Requirement 3: Service Ordering Constraints

Objective: Customers can only add services from service providers managed by their account manager.


  • Created the AccountManagerService table to link account managers with service providers.
  • Added logic to the ServiceOrder table to ensure that customers can only place orders with service providers managed by their account manager. The validation logic is as follows:
def clean(self):
    # Retrieve account manager, service provider, and customer
    account_manager = self.f_amc_id.f_am_id  # AccountManager
    service_provider = self.f_sp_id  # ServiceProvider
    customer = self.f_amc_id.f_cus_id  # Customer
    # Validate that the AccountManager is linked to the Customer
    if not AccountManagerCustomer.objects.filter(
        raise ValidationError("The account manager is not linked to the customer.")

    # Validate that the ServiceProvider is managed by the AccountManager
    if not AccountManagerService.objects.filter(
        raise ValidationError("The service provider is not managed by the account manager.")
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self.clean()  # Ensure validation is called
    super().save(*args, **kwargs)
  • in addition to that, I have created unit test 3 (see below for details) to confirm this scenario.

Task 2: Enhancing Analysis Capabilities, Reporting, and Unit Tests

Requirement 1: Enhanced statistics related to Jobs

Task: Expand the job statistics to include:

  1. Average job completion time per job type.
  2. Number of jobs per status.


I implemented this functionality in the pic/management/commands/get_job_stats.py script. This script calculates and stores job statistics by:

  1. Taking user input for the reporting period and username.
  2. Retrieving and validating the user.
  3. Computing various metrics such as total job counts, average job completion times, and job status counts.

To execute the script and generate the statistics, use the following command:

Important: Before running the script to calculate job statistics, ensure that the user is created and you know the user credentials, such as username.

You can get the usernames from existing database; please head over to Pic's user table in the admin panel.

python manage.py get_job_stats <quarter_from> <year_from> <quarter_to> <year_to> --username=username

An Example is:

python manage.py get_job_stats Q1 2021 Q2 2023 --username=tahir

Related Models

class JobCompletionTime(models.Model):
    report = models.ForeignKey(Report, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    job_type = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=[
        ('regular', 'Regular'),
        ('wafer_run', 'Wafer Run'),
    average_completion_time = models.FloatField(help_text="Average completion time in days.")

    class Meta:
        unique_together = ('report', 'job_type')

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.job_type}: {self.average_completion_time} days"

class JobStatusCount(models.Model):
    report = models.ForeignKey(Report, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    status = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=[
        ('created', 'Created'),
        ('active', 'Active'),
        ('completed', 'Completed'),
    count = models.IntegerField()

    class Meta:
        unique_together = ('report', 'status')

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.status}: {self.count}"

Requirement 2: added scripts for orders

Task: Implement analysis script(s) for statistics related to Orders. Put the scripts in the stat_utils.py.


  1. I implemented this logic in pic/management/analyze_orders.py.

please run this using:

python manage.py analyze_orders <account_manager_username> <customer_username> 

A concrete example is:

python manage.py analyze_orders tahir customer1
  1. I then stored the results in the following table:
class OrderReportResult(models.Model):
    """Model to store analysis results for the customer Orders.

    Note: `Order` model should be defined in Task 1.
    report = models.OneToOneField(Report, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    # Example data fields of what the order report may contain.
    total_orders = models.IntegerField()
    total_revenue = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
    average_order_value = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)

Requirement 3: Reporting

Task: Add django admin pages displaying the statistical report data. Focus on the convenience of the data representation, filtering, etc.


  1. Please visit the admin pages for different reports:
    1. Main report (for combined report with filters and search)
    2. Job completion times:
    3. Job Report results:
    4. Job status count:
    5. Jobs:
    6. Order Report Results:
    7. Orders: and more..

Requirement 4: PDF report generation

Task: Add a possibility to link a PDF file to reports.

Important: I assumed that I was tasked to create PDF report, however this can be interpreted in many ways "Add a possibility to link a PDF file to reports.".

Also, I implemented this functionality for the report interface that consolidates reports from other models, such as OrderReportResult, JobCompletionTime etc. Extending this to other interfaces would be straightforward.

  1. Please visit the following link:
  2. Select any reports
  3. Select "export selected reports to PDF" action.

Requirement 5: Unit tests

Add unit tests to check that the statistical calculation operations are correct.

To run these tests: python manage.py test

Test 1: test_get_job_stats


This test checks if the get_job_stats management command correctly generates a job statistics report.


  1. Run Command: Executes the get_job_stats command to generate job statistics for the specified period.
  2. Assertions:
    • Report Existence: Verifies that a report was created for the specified period.
    • Total Jobs Count: Checks that the report reflects the correct number of jobs.

Expected Outcome:

  • The test should pass if the report is created and the total job count matches the expected value.

Test 2: test_detailed_statistics


This test ensures that detailed job statistics, including average completion times and job status counts, are accurately generated by the get_job_stats command.


  1. Run Command: Executes the get_job_stats command to generate detailed statistics.
  2. Assertions:
    • Report Existence: Verifies that the report with detailed statistics was created.
    • Average Completion Times: Checks that average completion times for each job type are correctly calculated.
    • Job Status Counts: Verifies that the number of jobs in each status is accurately reported.

Expected Outcome:

  • The test should pass if the report contains the correct average completion times and job status counts, and if these values match the expected results.

Test 3: test_customer_can_only_order_from_linked_service_providers


This test ensures that a customer can only place orders with service providers that are linked to their account manager.


  1. Create Service Orders:

    • Valid Order: First, the test creates a service order with a service provider who is correctly linked to the account manager.
    • Invalid Order: Next, it tries to create a service order with a service provider who is not linked to the account manager. This should raise a validation error.
  2. Assertions:

    • Linked Service Orders Count: Checks that only one service order is recorded for the linked service provider.
    • Unlinked Service Orders Count: Verifies that no service orders are recorded for the unlinked service provider.

Expected Outcome:

  • The test should pass if the validation error is raised for the unlinked service provider and if the service orders are correctly counted.


The price column was initially placed in the ServiceOrder table because I anticipated that the price might vary depending on the order and service type. However, if the price is consistent for each service, it would be more efficient and consistent to store it in the Service table.