
an perl IRC bot that gets content via RSS

Primary LanguagePerl

This is kittybot v1.0 by Wesley Ellis (aka tahnok) of tahnok AT gmail .com
This perl script requires LWP::Simple, Bot::BasicBot, XML::RSS::Parser::Lite
 and WWW::Shorten

To use set $Nick, $Server, and $Channel

Released under CC attribution-shareAlike

I don't think multi channel actually works... haven't bothered checking

-responds to !kitty and kitty! with a tinyurl link to a Flickr image with the tag kitty and the title of the image
-responds to !die if your nick is tahnok (you can change that)
-has a buggy !geoip command that attemps to map the hostname/ip of whomever just said !geoip
-has an avatar mode. If your nick is tahnok (you can also change that) it will write what you priv msg it to the main channel
-every 4 hours it posts a random kitty