
Decode the Ontario proof of vaccination QR code

Primary LanguagePython

Decode the contents of the Ontario Proof of Vaccination (the "Smart Health Card QR Code")


This is from my QR code, hopefully fully redacted although I suspect it tells you what kind of doses I got.

  "iss": "https://prd.pkey.dhdp.ontariohealth.ca",
  "nbf": 1634342670.448,
  "vc": {
    "type": [
    "credentialSubject": {
      "fhirVersion": "4.0.1",
      "fhirBundle": {
        "resourceType": "Bundle",
        "type": "collection",
        "entry": [
            "fullUrl": "resource:0",
            "resource": {
              "resourceType": "Patient",
              "name": [
                  "family": "FAMILY NAME",
                  "given": [
                    "FIRST NAME",
                    "MIDDLE NAMES"
              "birthDate": "YYYY-MM-DD"
            "fullUrl": "resource:1",
            "resource": {
              "resourceType": "Immunization",
              "meta": {
                "security": [
                    "system": "https://smarthealth.cards/ial",
                    "code": "IAL1.4"
              "status": "completed",
              "manufacturer": {
                "identifier": {
                  "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/mvx",
                  "value": "MOD"
              "vaccineCode": {
                "coding": [
                    "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/cvx",
                    "code": "207"
                    "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                    "code": "28571000087109"
              "occurrenceDateTime":  "YYYY-MM-DD",
              "lotNumber": "DDDDDDD",
              "patient": {
                "reference": "resource:0"
              "performer": [
                  "actor": {
                    "display": "ON, Canada"
            "fullUrl": "resource:2",
            "resource": {
              "resourceType": "Immunization",
              "meta": {
                "security": [
                    "system": "https://smarthealth.cards/ial",
                    "code": "IAL1.4"
              "status": "completed",
              "manufacturer": {
                "identifier": {
                  "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/mvx",
                  "value": "MOD"
              "vaccineCode": {
                "coding": [
                    "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/cvx",
                    "code": "207"
                    "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                    "code": "28571000087109"
              "occurrenceDateTime": "YYYY-MM-DD",
              "lotNumber": "DDDDDDD",
              "patient": {
                "reference": "resource:0"
              "performer": [
                  "actor": {
                    "display": "ON, Canada"


This runs in python3. I strongly suggest you set up a virtualenv before installing any python packages. Check one of these guides:

(If you're new to python, I appologize for the mess that is package management in python)

We need a JWT library, PyJWT seems to be the top python library. Sadly it doesn't support the body being compressed as happens with SHC. Thankfully, someone has created a fix for this, but it hasn't merged yet. jpadilla/pyjwt#666

pip install 'git+https://github.com/Roguelazer/pyjwt.git@deflate#egg=pyjwt[crypto]'


pip install -r requirements.txt


  • verify signature, not sure where the .well-known/jwjks.json is for Ontario
  • read in the PDF or an image with a QR Code?
