
Collection of traversal algorithms for Autodesk Maya.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Latest Release Github Tests Docs

Collection of traversal algorithms for Autodesk Maya.

Visit the github repo for source code and the command reference for documentation.


This package is composed of a single file, you can either:

pip install git+git://github.com/Tahv/mayawalk#egg=mayawalk


Run Maya >= 2020. It may run on older version but was not tested on them.


  • parent(node, include_world=False)
  • children(node, api_type=None)
  • siblings(node, api_type=None)
  • hierarchy(root, stoppers=None, api_type=None, depth_first=False
  • top_nodes(nodes, sparse=False)
  • connections(root, stoppers=None, api_type=None, depth_first=False, upstream=False)
  • connected(node, sources=True, destinations=True)
  • plugs(node, connection=None)
  • plug_parent(plug)
  • plug_children(plug, reverse=False, physical_indexes=False)
  • plug_has_source(plug, nested=False)
  • plug_has_destinations(plug, nested=False)
  • plug_has_connections(plug, nested=False)

Usage examples


from maya.api import OpenMaya
from mayawalk import hierarchy

modifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()

root = modifier.createNode('transform')              # root
node_a = modifier.createNode('transform', root)      # |- node_a
shape_a = modifier.createNode('nurbsCurve', node_a)  #    |- shape_a
node_b = modifier.createNode('joint', root)          # |- node_b


assert list(hierarchy(root)) == [root, node_a, node_b, shape_a]
assert list(hierarchy(shape_a, upstream=True)) == [shape_a, node_a, root]


from maya.api import OpenMaya
from mayawalk import connections

modifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()

node_a = modifier.createNode('transform')
node_b = modifier.createNode('transform')
node_c = modifier.createNode('transform')


plug_a = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(node_a).findPlug('tx', False)
plug_b = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(node_b).findPlug('tx', False)
plug_c = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(node_c).findPlug('tx', False)

modifier.connect(plug_a, plug_b).doIt()
modifier.connect(plug_b, plug_c).doIt()
# node_a.tx >> node_b.tx >> node_c.tx

assert list(connections(node_a)) == [node_a, node_b, node_c]
assert list(connections(node_c, upstream=True)) == [node_c, node_b, node_a]
assert list(connections(node_a, stoppers=[node_b])) == [node_a, node_b]


from maya.api import OpenMaya
from mayawalk import top_nodes

modifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()

node_a = modifier.createNode('transform')          # node_a
node_b = modifier.createNode('transform', node_a)  # |- node_b
node_c = modifier.createNode('transform', node_b)  #    |- node_c

modifier = modifier.doIt()

assert list(top_nodes([node_b, node_c])) == [node_b]
assert list(top_nodes([node_a, node_c], sparse=True)) == [node_a]


Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.