
Python example runbooks for Azure automation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Examples are from - https://github.com/Diastro/AzureAutomation-PythonExamples

Additions have been made to RunAs/azure-parallel-start-vm.py for personal usage. These are:

  • start vm
  • stop vm
  • select which resource groups to apply to
  • select if there's any vm's you want to exclude

Usage for azure-parallel-start-vm.py

When you schedule the runbook, you need to fill out the parameters like this example:

Param1: start_vm # start_vm or stop_vm
Param2: rg-nginx-prod # this is which rg's you want to start/stop vm's in. You can state multiple rg's like this: rg-mysql-prod rg-nginx-prod rg-apache-prod
Param3: (leave empty by default) # this is which vm's you want to exclude. You can state multiple vm's like this (all vm arguments must start with '!_' followed by vm name): !_az-vm-prod-01 !_az-vm-prod-05