TurtleBot2 ROS 2 Description

This repository provides the ROS 2 description for TurtleBot2 with Hokuyo and Kinect sensors. You can visualize the robot in RViz using the provided launch files.
The "main" repository does not contain a prefix. "with prefix" repository has prefixes added, but the lidar does not work.


  • Reference: Edited based on TurtleBot2 Description
  • Customizable Sensor Positions: The positions of the Hokuyo and Kinect sensors can be adjusted to match your robot's configuration.
  • Prefix Specification: The prefix for the robot can be freely specified. By default, it is set to turtlebot/.


Launching the Robot Description

To display the TurtleBot2 in RViz with the specified sensor configuration:

ros2 launch turtlebot2_description display_with_kinect_hokuyo.launch.py

Changing the prefix

By default, the robot's prefix is set to turtlebot/. To change it, edit the prefix declaration in the robots/kobuki_hexagons_kinect_hokuyo.xacro file:

<xacro:property name="prefix" value="your_custom_prefix"/>