
Better mikutter for Mac OSX

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


mikutter-osx is a plugin for the Twitter client mikutter. It aims for better integration with the Mac OSX platform.



  • Automatically check if there are updates for mikutter
  • Make a self-contained app bundle for mikutter
  • Enable notifications
  • Enable soundplay


  • XCode Command Line Tools
  • You might need to install GTK+ and Cmake with Homebrew
  • Tested on El Capitan


  • Install XCode Command Line Tools if you haven't already. To install, type in the command given below:
xcode-select --install

You may need to accept the XCode license agreement before you can use the Command Line Tools.

  • Install any other plugin that you plan to use on mikutter. This step is necessary to help determine which gems are needed beforehand.

  • Clone this repository to any place you like. You can safely delete it after the installation is over.

git clone https://github.com/midchildan/mikutter-osx.git
  • Execute a script named install.rb in the repository that you've just cloned. If the script successfully finishes, a dmg file named mikutter.dmg containing the file mikutter.app will be created on the Desktop.
cd mikutter-osx
  • Open the dmg file and drag-and-drop mikutter.app to the Applications folder.

  • Open mikutter.app and enjoy!


  • Enable update notifications Open preferences and check "Enable update notifications" in the "OSX" section. When update notification is enabled, mikutter-osx will check if there are any updates available when mikutter is started and ask whether you want to download it. If you click yes, mikutter will be downloaded and packaged into a dmg file on the desktop, just like in the installation process.

  • Enable soundplay Open preferences and select "afplay" in the pulldown menu of the "sound" section. You can specify which sound you want mikutter to play in the "notification" section.

  • Enable notification Notifications can be enabled in the "notification" section of the preference dialog.

Known issues and limitations

  • DO NOT install this plugin in the user plugin path ( ~/.mikutter/plugin ), it will not work if you do. mikutter-osx installs itself in the plugin path right under mikutter's installation directory during the installation step. This is necessary for mikutter-osx to determine mikutter's installation path.

  • When mikutter starts, the environment variable LANGUAGE is set to ja_JP for that process. mikutter may crash if it is set to any other value.

  • It's highly recommended to keep a backup of your existing mikutter installation when upgrading to a newer version, since mikutter isn't very stable on OSX.

  • mikutter has a bug which prevents Gemfiles from (MIKUTTER_DIR)/plugin being read. As a workaround, a directory named mikutter-osx-gemfile containing a Gemfile is created in ~/.mikutter/plugin.


This plugin is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

