
Tailwind pagination for Laravel

Primary LanguageVue

Vue Test Utils - Jest

Tailable Pagination

A Vue.js pagination component for Laravel thats built for Tailwind.


Demo & Docs

See https://tailable.github.io/pagination/

Example Code: https://github.com/tailable/pagination/blob/master/src/App.vue

Component Installation

npm install tailable-pagination


yarn add tailable-pagination

Register the Plugin

import TailablePagination from 'tailable-pagination';


Add the following variants to your tailwind.config.js

variants: {
    opacity: ['disabled'],
    cursor: ['disabled'],

Basic Example


export default {
    data() {
        return {
            users: {},
    created() {
        .then(response => {
            this.users = response.data;


Pagination Props

Name Type Default Description
data Object {} The data from paginated AJAX request
limit Number 1 The pagination limit each side of the middle button.
size String "default" (optional) Must be default or small or large
show-disabled Boolean true (optional) Pagination buttons next and previous, do you want them displayed if there is nothing to click?
show-numbers Boolean false (optional) Pagination show numbered buttons?
hide-when-empty Boolean false (optional) Hides the pagination buttons when there is no need to show them
translate Object { nextButton: 'Next' previousButton: 'Previous' } (optional) Translate button text

Pagination Events

Name Description
page-changed A button has been clicked


To work on the package locally or to add to the documentation, run the following command:

npm run serve

To run the tests:

npm run test:unit