A bootstrap-style react component for checkbox list
This is a simple react component that takes a meta data, translates it into a checkbox list and provides selected values when user changes selection. That's all it does.
npm install react-checkbox-list
bower install react-checkbox-list
Simply require it to use it:
var CheckBoxList = require('react-checkbox-list');
Compose it in render method:
render: function() {
// supply initial data
var data = [
{value: 'apple', label: 'Apple'},
{value: 'orange', label: 'Orange'},
{value: 'banana', label: 'Banana', checked: true} // check by default
<CheckBoxList ref="chkboxList" defaultData={data} onChange={this.handleCheckboxListChange} />
Listen for changes and get the selected values:
handleCheckboxListChange: function(values) {
// values is array of selected item. e.g. ['apple', 'banana']
Uncheck all items:
uncheckAll: function() {
That's it for the API!