[IWCP 24] MONSTERMASH: Multidirectional, Overlapping, Nested, Spiral Text Extraction for Recognition Models of Arabic-Script Handwriting

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Multidirectional, Overlapping, Nested, Spiral Text Extraction for Recognition Models of Arabic-Script Handwriting

Examples of test images.

The data is collected from 10th centuries to 20th. Writing sytle included but not limited to Naskh (varied style), Nasta'liq, Maghribi, Sudani, Ta'liq and Bihari.

Time period count

Language count

For example, the follow image:

Examples of test images.

  "pid": 26,
 "title": "Hartford Seminary Arabic MSS 199/Jawāhiral-nuṣūṣ fī ḥall kalimāt al-Fuṣūṣ",	
"time": "18th century",
"language": "Arabic",
"style: "Naskh",
"note": "Complex title page with multiple ownersip notes etc and other annotations",
"polygons": [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., ]



The dataset is under data/. We use labelme to annotate the dataset.

Three baseline models

  1. Install https://github.com/mittagessen/kraken, and we use 4.3 in our project.

  2. Download the model:

wget https://github.com/OpenITI/arabic_script_ocr_models/blob/main/ms_mellon_print_layout.mlmodel
  1. Run script at models/kraken_pipe.ipynb for inference code.

Install instruction can be found: https://github.com/mlpc-ucsd/TESTR


Install instruction can be found: https://gitlab.teklia.com/dla/doc-ufcn (you may need to register first to visit their gitlab).

Checkpoints is available on huggingface: https://huggingface.co/Teklia/doc-ufcn-generic-historical-line


  title={{MONSTERMASH}: Multidirectional, Overlapping, Nested, Spiral Text Extraction for Recognition Models of Arabic-Script Handwriting},
  author={Chen, Danlu and Murel, Jacob and Taimoor Shahid and Xiang Zhang and Jonathan Parkes Allen and Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick and and David A.Smith},
  booktitle={International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, IWCP workshop},