
Primary LanguagePython


Task Management REST API

This is a back-end code repository.

This is a full featured Task Management REST API back-end built with flask and MySQL.

Features include:

  • Full CRUD features for Task instances.
  • Swagger API docs online


To use this code, you'll need a Python environment or Docker-compose environment.

We strongly recommend using docker-compose for this project

git git@github.com:tainenko/flask-api.git
cd flask-api
docker-compose build && docker-compose up

Project Structure

Project Structure

Runtime Environment Requirement

  • Python 3.7
  • Flask 1.1
  • MySQL 8.0.23 (Docker Image: mysql/mysql-server:8.0.23)
  • nginx 1.19.5
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Docker
  • flasgger

API Spec

  • Spec
    • Fields of task:
      • name
        • Type: String
      • status
        • Type: Bool
        • Value
          • 0=Incomplete
          • 1=Complete
    • Reponse headers
      • Content-Type=application/json

1. GET /tasks (list tasks)

    "result": [
        {"id": 1, "name": "name", "status": 0}

2. POST /task (create task)

  "name": "買晚餐"

response status code 201
    "result": {"name": "買晚餐", "status": 0, "id": 1}

3. PUT /task/ (update task)

  "name": "買早餐",
  "status": 1
  "id": 1

response status code 200
  "name": "買早餐",
  "status": 1,
  "id": 1

4. DELETE /task/ (delete task)

response status code 200