
This is a web application with the following features:

Login with Google via Firebase

This application allows users to log in using their Google accounts through Firebase Authentication. This makes it easy to verify user identities securely.

Configure and Use GraphQL

The application utilizes GraphQL to query and update data from the server. GraphQL enables flexible specification of data requirements, ensuring you only receive the data you need.

Handling Access Tokens

Access tokens are used for authenticating and protecting server resources. This application handles access tokens to ensure data and functionality security.

Interaction and Use of MongoDB

The application interacts with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database management system, to store and retrieve data.

Practice Push Notification Functionality

The application enables you to practice and implement push notification functionality, allowing you to send notifications to users via web browsers or mobile apps.

Deploy Code to Netlify and Render

The application guides you on deploying your source code to hosting services like Netlify and Render, enabling you to share your application with users on the internet.

📚 Knowledge in the Video

During the development of this application, you will learn about the following technologies and concepts:

  • Context API: Using the Context API in React to manage the application state and share data between components.

  • React Router DOM: Using React Router DOM to manage routing in a React application, allowing you to navigate between pages.

  • React Hooks: Utilizing React Hooks to manage state and interact with component lifecycles.

  • Material UI: Implementing Material UI to create attractive and user-friendly user interfaces.

  • Firebase Authentication: Using Firebase Authentication to verify users through their Google accounts.

  • Working with MongoDB: Learning how to interact with the MongoDB database to store and retrieve data.

  • GraphQL: Understanding how to use GraphQL to efficiently query and update data from the server.

Please refer to the video and accompanying documentation to learn and implement these features and knowledge. We wish you success in developing your application! 👍