Design System Challenge

This is the solution for the Design System Challenge proposed as an evaluation of aptness for a Front-end developer position.

For technical details and implementation logs, check out the History file.

Running the project

This project is built with Vite and Yarn. To run it, follow these steps:

  1. Use nvm, asdf, or any other Node version management (including just installing the correct Node version from the website) to ensure your Node.js version is 20.9.0
  2. Install Yarn globally if you don't have it by running npm install yarn -g.
  3. Run yarn --version inside the project's folder to check the version that the project is using. The .yarn/yarn-4.0.1.cjs file should ensure that the newest Yarn is used, but if you don't see 4.0.1 as the result of the yarn --version command, check the Troubleshooting section to understand how to solve it. For more context on the reason for using Yarn 4, check History's technical choices section.
  4. Run yarn install to install all the packages.

Running Storybook

Run yarn run storybook. Storybook should be available at http://localhost:6006/.

Running the index page

Run yarn dev. The index page provides a minimal structure to render the TreeView component outside of a Storybook environment.

It should be available at


Yarn is not 4.0.1 or installing the packages prompts a string-width dependency error

Ensure you're running Node.js 20.9.0 and then run the following, in order:

corepack enable;
yarn set version berry;
yarn install

Storybook is not showing the stories individually, only the docs for the components

Remove node_modules, clean Yarn's cache and install the dependencies again:

  1. rm -rf node_modules
  2. yarn cache clean
  3. yarn install