28 - April - 2023

TypeScript Learning

In this repo has 3 category TypeScript learning domain...

1) Raw TypeScript                   ===> ./src/script/

2) HTML, CSS + TypeScript project   ===> ./src/script/ts/nn/

3) React with TypeScript            ===> ./src/
  • yarn create vite --template react-ts PROJECT_NAME
  • yarn add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
  • npx tailwindcss init -p
  • yarn add -D @types/node
  • yarn add -D ts-node-dev
nvm list

nvm install 18.16.0

nvm use 18.16.0 [run as administrator at cmd]
for command-line typeScript file compiling type --> tsc
NOTE:- if you run normal typeScript file at command-line by [node fileName.js] then...
at "tsconfig.json" file set...

🟥 "watch" : true,

so this option always watch - our souse code, when we save the file every time...
& that will just recompile our [.ts] source code file into [.js] file...

🟥 "target": "es2016" ==> to ==> 
🟥 "target": "esnext"

for async/await native support...
use "types" when building "applications" & 
use "interfaces" when building "libraries"

Learning Context:-

  • these things, we'll probably memorize, without even realizing...
No Context Short Form
1 primitive type string, number, boolean
2 object type { }
3 array type | array of objects type { }[ ]
4 union of string literal types -
not allow any random string
'loading' | 'error' | 'success'
5 children prop children: string
6 children prop
when its React Component
children: React.ReactNode
7 optional prop type extraSubject?: string
8 empty event prop onClick handleClick: () => void
9 with event prop onClick handleClickEvent: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) =>
10 with id prop onClick handleClickId: (id: number) => void
11 input type prop onChange handleChange: (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
12 inline css prop type style: React.CSSProperties
13 useState type useState<null | User>(null) <-- value come at future
14 useReducer type Mother = Child1 | Child2 <-- Discriminated Unions
15 createContext type ( { } as UserContextProps ) <-- Type Assertion

an "automated test" is code that throws an error, 
when the actual output does not match the expected output...

it will pass when the output is correct & 
provide meaningful feedback when it is not