br> 24 - Nov - 2023
- yarn cerate next-app
- yarn add @clerk/nextjs
- yarn add react-hook-form
- yarn add zod
- yarn add axios
- yarn add react-hot-toast
- npx shadcn-ui@latest add sheet
- npx shadcn-ui@latest add button
- npx shadcn-ui@latest add input
- npx shadcn-ui@latest add form
- For prisma
- yarn add -D prisma
- npx prisma init
- yarn add @prisma/client
- npx prisma generate
- npx prisma db push
Learning Note:
* File & Folder structure system...
`page.tsx` ==> hold `content` / ui text
`layout.tsx` ==> hold `structure` / component position / style
`page.tsx` ==> return --> JSX
`layout.tsx` ==> wrap --> {children} & can hold other components
* (group route) ==> can style the whole group using layout
* if use `/src/app` folder structure then for `clerk` auth system...
place `middleware.ts` file inside `/src` folder
* without auth - we can visit that page by config at `middleware.ts` file
pass an array of string of page name
* set background img at auth page
* all routing path control by a central place