
Slug generator for blog posts or any other contents :pencil:

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm (scoped) npm bundle size (scoped)


With npm

$ npm i @taishikato/slug-generator

With yarn

$ yarn add @taishikato/slug-generator


import generateSlug from '@taishikato/slug-generator';

generateSlug('My first blog post title (March 21)');
// → my-first-blog-post-title-march-21

 * When you pass true as a second argument, the slug will have a random strings at the end
 * This is useful when some items(i.e. blog posts) can have the same title, which means those will have the same slug
 * and you want a unique slug for each item.
generateSlug('My first blog post title (March 21)', true);
// → my-first-blog-post-title-march-21-1cc703f7