Develop Locally

  1. Clone this repo and npm install
  git clone
  cd cds-contracts
  npm install
  1. Create an Alchemy or Infura account and get their api key.

  2. Declare environment variables

I encourage you to declare environment variables in your .bash_profile(or .zprofile and others) to avoid sharing your credentials accidentally. You can also make .env file in the root of this repository although I do not recommend it.


export ALCHEMY_API_KEY = <alchemy_api_key>
export INFURA_API_KEY = <infura_api_key>
export DEPLOYMENT_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY = <deployment_account_private_key>
export MNEMONIC_WORDS = <mnemonic_words>
export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY = <etherscan_api_key>

You can leave DEPLOYMENT_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY and ETHERSCAN_API_KEY empty until you deploy to the mainnet. I recommend obtaining your mnemonic words from MetaMask and storing in MNEMONIC_WORDS.

You are ready to write code!

Npm Script

npm run compile: compiles your contracts and generate artifacts and cache.

npm run deploy:mainnet_forked: deploys your contracts to the mirrored version of the mainnet in your local network.

npm run node: runs the default network configured in the hardhat.config.ts.

npm run test: runs test in the test directory.