Introduction to Machine Learning
This repository contains material related to Introduction to Machine Learning Course by Code Heroku.
Course Objectives
- Introduce you to fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Serve as a launch pad for your career in Machine Learning and Data science
Who is the target audience?
- This course is for beginners with a none to a small amount of Machine Learning experience.
The tutorials lead you through implementing various algorithms in machine learning. All of the code is written in Python.
Introduction and getting started
Introduction to machine learning
A brief introduction on the fundamentals of machine learning.
Setup Python
A guide for installing Python on your system.
Scikit-Learn and other libraries installation
A guide for installing Scikit-Learn and other libraries required for this course.
Python Numpy Tutorial
A brief walkthrough on Python, Numpy, Scipy and Matplotlib
Supervised Machine Learning
Linear Regression using Scikit-Learn
Implement linear regression to predict score of a student based on the number of hours he studies.
Naive Bayes using Scikit Learn
Implement Naive Bayes algorithm to solve classification problems using Scikit Learn.
Building a Movie Recommendation Engine
Build a Movie Recommendation Engine in Python using Scikit Learn.
Understanding Gradient Descent Optimization
Learn how to use Gradient Descent optimization for solving Machine Learning problems.
Unsupervised Learning
Building a Digit Recognizer using SVM
Learn how to use Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier for building a digit recognition system.
Introduction to Unsupervised Learning using K-means
Learn how to use K-Means clustering algorithm for Machine Learning problems.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Learn how to perform PCA for achieving dimensionality reduction.
Face Recognition using PCA
Learn how to implement a Face Recognition System in Python using PCA.
Reinforcement Learning
Inroduction to Reinforcement Learning
An introduction on how to implement Reinforcement Learning algorithms and solve the Multi Arm Bandit problem using it.
Reinforcement Learning with OpenAI Gym
Learn how to use OpenAI Gym in order to solve Reinforcement Learning problems.
Build an Intelligent Agent with Q-Learning
Learn how to use Q-Learning in order to build an intelligent agent.
Course Projects
The following projects are included as a part of this course.
Ham or Spam Email Classification
Build a spam classifier system.
Student Exam Score Prediction
Predict the score obtained by a student in the examination based on how many hours he has studied.
Movie Recommendation Engine
Build a movie recommendation system using Scikit Learn.
Cartpole Balancing with Q-learning
Build a system to balance a cartpole using Q-Learning.
Object Recognition with Neural Networks
Build a system to recognize objects using Neural Networks.
Mouse Cat Maze with Reinforcement Learning
Use Reinforcement Learning to solve Mouse Cat Maze.
Want to learn more?
Come learn with us in the Introduction to Machine Learning course at Code Heroku !
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