Build JSON decoders using the pipeline (|>)
It's common to decode into a record that has a type alias
. Here's an example
of this from the map3
type alias Job = { name : String, id : Int, completed : Bool }
point : Decoder Job
point =
map3 Job
(field "name" string)
(field "id" int)
(field "completed" bool)
This works because a record type alias can be called as a normal function. In that case it accepts one argument for each field (in whatever order the fields are declared in the type alias) and then returns an appropriate record built with those arguments.
The mapN
decoders are straightforward, but require manually changing N
whenever the field count changes. This library provides functions designed to
be used with the |>
operator, with the goal of having decoders that are both
easy to read and easy to modify.
Here is a decoder built with this library.
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, int, string, float)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (required, optional, hardcoded)
type alias User =
{ id : Int
, email : Maybe String
, name : String
, percentExcited : Float
userDecoder : Decoder User
userDecoder =
Decode.succeed User
|> required "id" int
|> required "email" (nullable string) -- `null` decodes to `Nothing`
|> optional "name" string "(fallback if name is `null` or not present)"
|> hardcoded 1.0
In this example:
required "id" int
is similar to(field "id" int)
is likerequired
, but if the field is eithernull
or not present, decoding does not fail; instead it succeeds with the provided fallback value.hardcoded
does not look at the provided JSON, and instead always decodes to the same value.
You could use this decoder as follows:
{"id": 123, "email": "", "name": "Sam Sample"}
The result would be:
{ id = 123
, email = ""
, name = "Sam Sample"
, percentExcited = 1.0
Alternatively, you could use it like so:
{"id": 123, "email": "", "percentExcited": "(hardcoded)"}
In this case, the result would be:
{ id = 123
, email = ""
, name = "(fallback if name is `null` or not present)"
, percentExcited = 1.0