
My playground for going through various Processing tutorials and excercises

Primary LanguageProcessing


Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts.

I'm learning this as part of my final year major project for the Interaction Design course at the Belfast School of Art.


Processing.org: The official site has its own collection of tutorials that will help you get into the programming mindset and learn to use the language. The tutorials cover beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics.

CreativeApplications.net: This is a fantastic place to look for creative Processing tutorials, too.

Plethora Project: If you want to explore a programming technique or want to follow a programmer who will show you the ropes, Jose Sanchez of the Plethora Project will show you the ropes in Vimeo screencapture videos as he codes from scratch.

Fun Programming: If you’re just looking to browse a collection of tutorials for inspiration (like drawing an animated rainbow, or programming roses), there are many simple tutorials here that you can check out.


Before Processing I played around with P5.js during my lunch breaks at placement. Here are a couple I've put up on Codepen;