Contents of panama-layout-prototype panama-layout-prototype |-> |-> #Layout Runtime |-> #Layout Runtime primitive array classes |-> #LD2J parser |-> jni_src #JNI natives for ByteBuffer functionality |-> |-> com.user.src |-> com.user.examples.javaclassfile #Demo for java class file reader |-> com.user.examples.multivla #Demo for multiVla |-> com.user.examples.myline #Demo for adding user functionality to generated facades |-> com.user.examples.variablelengtharray #Demo with variable length arrays |-> com.user.examples.vlawithoperation #Demo with vla and repeat count determined by operation |-> com.user.test #Basic testing of layout features |-> com.user.types #Types used in tests |-> com.user.bin README LICENSE GETTING STARTED: 1) Clone this repository 2) Download Java 8 JDK (Java8 is required to run this prototype, it will not work on earlier versions) from 3) Download ASM-5.0.X from 4) Download junit from NOTE: This is only required if you want to run the Layout tests (com.user.test) 5) Set environment variable "workspaceDir" to the directory of LayoutProtoype. Place downloaded jars in $workspaceDir. If you are using eclipse add libraries to the referenced library path COMPILING LD2J: 1) cd $workspaceDir/ 2) javac -d $workspaceDir/ com/ibm/layout/ld2j/*.java COMPILING LAYOUT RUNTIME: 1) cd $workspaceDir/ 2) javac -cp $workspaceDir/asm-all-5.0.jar -d $workspaceDir/ com/ibm/layout/*.java com/ibm/layout/gen/*.java # some versions of javac may output several warnings of this type: "warning: Unsafe is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release" # these can be ignored COMPILING EXAMPLE AND JUNIT TESTS: 1) cd $workspaceDir/com.user.src 2) javac -cp $workspaceDir/$workspaceDir/junit-4.10.jar -d $workspaceDir/com.user.bin com/user/types/*.java com/user/examples/myline/*.java com/user/examples/variablelengtharray/*.java com/user/examples/javaclassfile/*.java com/user/test/*.java # some versions of javac may output several warnings of this type: "warning: Unsafe is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release" # these can be ignored RUNNING LD2J (myline example): 1) java -cp $workspaceDir/ $workspaceDir/com.user.src/com/user/examples/myline/LD $workspaceDir/com.user.src/com/user/examples/myline/ com.user.examples.myline output: Struct name: Point Variable name: x Variable type: int Variable name: y Variable type: int Struct name: Line Variable name: start Variable type: Point Variable name: end Variable type: Point Parsing Successful! RUNNING TESTMYLINE This test demonstrates how to add user functionality to a generated facade. MyLine is a user defined layout. 1) java -cp $workspaceDir/com.user.bin:$workspaceDir/$workspaceDir/asm-all-5.0.jar com.user.examples.myline.TestMyLine output: == testMyLine == line: ((x: 0, y: 0)(x: 0, y: 0)) length: 0.0 line: ((x: 10, y: 11)(x: 20, y: 21)) length: 14.142135623730951 RUNNING TESTVARIABLELENGTHARRAY This test demonstrates how to use a variable length array in Layouts. 1) java -cp $workspaceDir/com.user.bin:$workspaceDir/$workspaceDir/asm-all-5.0.jar com.user.examples.variablelengtharray.TestVariableLengthArray output: == testVariableLengthArray == lengthOfArray field is 10 length of VLArray is 10 lengthOfArray field is 5 length of VLArray is 5 RUNNING TESTJAVACLASSFILEREADER This test demonstrates a more complex use of the variable length arrays 1) java -cp $workspaceDir/com.user.bin:$workspaceDir/$workspaceDir/asm-all-5.0.jar com.user.examples.javaclassfile.JavaClassFileReader $workspaceDir/com.user.bin/com/user/examples/javaclassfile/SampleClass.class Sample output: printing C:\workspaces\layout3\panama-layout-prototype\com.user.bin\com\user\examples\javaclassfile\SampleClass.class Magic: cafebabe Minor: 0 Major: 52 ConstantPoolCount: 97 ConstantPool: #1 = Class #2 //com/user/examples/javaclassfile/SampleClass #2 = Utf8 com/user/examples/javaclassfile/SampleClass #3 = Class #4 //java/lang/Object #4 = Utf8 java/lang/Object #5 = Utf8 field1 #6 = Utf8 I RUNNING JUNIT TESTS (from commandline): 1) java -cp $workspaceDir/junit-4.10.jar:$workspaceDir/asm-all-5.0.jar:$workspaceDir/com.user.bin:$workspaceDir/ org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.user.test.TestLayout Sample output: JUnit version 4.10 ..c: (x: 10, y: 20) ca.getLength() = 10 ca[0]: (x: 0, y: 0) ca[1]: (x: 1, y: -1) ca[2]: (x: 2, y: -2) ca[3]: (x: 3, y: -3) ca[4]: (x: 4, y: -4) ca[5]: (x: 5, y: -5) ... IMPORTING INTO ECLIPSE: 1) File -> Import 2) General -> Existing Projects into Workspace 3) select the location of LayoutPrototype and click finish RUNNING JUNIT TESTS (from Eclipse) 1) right click TestLayout (in /LayoutPrototype/com.user.src/com/user/test/) and select Run As -> Junit Test COMPILING AND RUNNING WITH JNI NATIVES: NOTE: only required if using: LayoutType.asByteBuffer(...) or LayoutType.fromByteBuffer(...) functionality 1) cd $workspaceDir/ 2) export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/JDK 3) make -f makefile.lnx64 #running with JNI natives 4) Add -Djava.library.path=$workspaceDir/ to the VM options when launching java