🔀 Drag and drop for your React lists and tables. Accessible. Tiny.
- 1
Flicker after drag ends
#113 opened by romulovalez - 5
Collapse draggable item
#54 opened by raunofreiberg - 1
JSX element class does not support attributes because it does not have a 'props' property.ts(2607)
#112 opened by Praskand - 2
Blank placeholder can be styled?
#66 opened by OlesZadorozhnyy - 4
Click events
#71 opened by goshua13 - 2
Nested sortable table with drag handle: dragging children table row moves parent table row
#83 opened by yann-combarnous - 1
Support for React Portal inside the list
#88 opened by ivan7237d - 0
Unable to drag the object and lose the focus when I click on the object
#89 opened by salmanbukhari37 - 2
- 0
Error on Electron
#93 opened by benoitwerner - 2
- 0
- 1
- 6
- 4
React useState doesn't update correctly
#99 opened by cstrat - 3
Contributing: cannot `yarn install` on arm mac
#104 opened by IanVS - 2
Provide option to disable auto-scrolling
#91 opened by xionluhnis - 2
React 18 support
#100 opened by iaculch - 0
new feature
#103 opened by burky721 - 2
Autoscrolling logic need some fixes
#80 opened by cc-ebay - 0
AUTOSCROLL_ACTIVE_OFFSET hardcoded to 200px makes lists that are 200px or less in height erratic while autoscrolling
#68 opened by yurigenin - 4
Disable any moves
#49 opened by Zykhatslover - 0
Bug in library
#98 opened by nijatmursali - 1
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getBoundingClientRect')
#76 opened by nathanburgess - 1
Published source is invalid ESM
#92 opened by rtsao - 4
Jest encountered an unexpected token
#84 opened by rabbl - 3
- 1
Vite 3 not supported
#87 opened by cloud-walker - 2
Typo in README
#85 opened by josiahbryan - 6
3.0.1 is broken
#75 opened by Hypnosphi - 1
- 5
Does not work with React/Fast Refresh
#47 opened by rookbreezy - 1
- 0
Moving a selected item in a scrollable container using Up and Down keys does not autoscroll the list
#69 opened by yurigenin - 1
- 4
onClick does not work on renderItem elements
#52 opened by danvln - 4
Issue with using index as key
#60 opened by ErnoW - 2
- 1
<tr> cannot appear as a child of <body>
#58 opened by alxvallejo - 6
De-selecting item on blur
#53 opened by corn-eliu - 1
Latest version does not include master code
#56 opened by arturbani - 5
The onKeyDown handler eats the event of any nested Textarea.onChange handlers.
#23 opened by shenders13 - 2
Weird interaction between react-movable and Bootstrap's table-responsive in Safari on iOS
#30 opened by dumbmatter - 1
IE 11 support
#22 opened by konstantinn - 13
Configurable scroll speed
#34 opened by Munawwar - 1
Ghost element changing dragged component CSS
#37 opened by arturbani - 2
Any plan for nested dnd?
#31 opened by lanyusan - 1
- 4
Add support for Grid mode
#29 opened by felixmosh - 1
Not for React 15.6.x
#21 opened by JensC