
This is a VSCode Extension for code reading.


  • Output memo into markdown file
  • Show memo on editor

Output memo into markdown file

When you add memo, it is added into *

DEMO for

Show memo on editor

When you add memo, you can confirm memo on editor. (It refers to *.code_memo.json.)



This is not published to the marketplace yet. So you need to install it manually.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run pnpm install
  3. Run vsce package --no-dependencies
  4. Run code --install-extension code-reading-memo-0.0.1.vsix
  5. [Optional] Set global gitignore for * and *.code_memo.json (If you set codeReadingMemo.fileSuffix option, you need to set global gitignore for *.{fileSuffix}.md and *.{fileSuffix}.json)


Add memo

  1. Select code on editor
  2. Execute Code Reading Memo: Add memo from command palette or context menu
  3. Input new memo title or select existing memo title
  4. Input memo

Change memo title

  1. Execute Code Reading Memo: New memo from command palette
  2. Input new memo title


  • codeReadingMemo.fileSuffix: (String) Suffix of memo file name (default: code_memo)