
An open source course on making a voxel engine in Unity.

MIT LicenseMIT

Intro to Simplified Voxel Systems in Unity

An open source introductory course on making voxel engines in Unity. The goal is to use the least amount of code to achieve a simple voxel system that still achieves high performance. Join our Discord for announcements! https://discord.gg/Gp7YEUkVHC


You must already be familar with coding and using Unity for simple games. If you don't already know how to use Unity but knwo how to code you can take our course for free Intro to Coding with Unity - course still in progress


This course is mean't to be as accelerated as possible. I won't discuss my opinions much, or what I think. Instead we will try to be as consise and to the point as much as possible. We also only teach you something if you are going to need it. This leads to an extremely fast paced course, so you never get bored. You can view the source code of the final projects results here https://github.com/PaperPrototype/VoxelSystem

Stuck? having Issues?

Make a new issue and we'll do our best to help you. We'll also probably fix the course so future students don't have any problems! Need a response ASAP? Join our Discord server https://discord.gg/Gp7YEUkVHC

Lecture Format

  • Folders named "Week XXX" (XXX repesenting a number) stands for a lecture.
  • A file ending in .md is the actual text of the lecture.
  • The file names (for .md files) are named according to the language they are written in (example english.md). This allows the course to be translated into any language.
  • Folders named Notes contain the lectures overview and vocabulary. This is to be a quick reference so you don't have to re-read an entire lecture just to remember what a vertex or triangle is.


This course is licensed under MIT. It is open source. If you want to contribute then read our Guidelines it shouldn't take you more than 1 minute to read. Seriously its super short.

Currently under development

this course is still being written as you read this. This (paragraph) will be removed once the course is finished.