
One page website boilerplate with Bootstrap 4, webpack-dev-server and Docker

Primary LanguageHTML

One page website with Bootstrap 4, webpack-dev-server and Docker

This repository is a learning example and a simple boilerplate for a one page website using Bootstrap 4, webpack-dev-server and Docker.

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Build Status dependencies Status devDependencies Status License: MIT


You can start the project in production mode and development mode.

Development mode

To serve the project with webpack-dev-server use the command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d

In oder to build the development Docker image separately, use the command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml build

Production mode

To serve the project in production mode use the command:

docker-compose up -d


Development mode is set up to provide the following key features:

  • hot reloading of js changes
  • hot reloading of scss changes
  • hot reloading of index.html template changes

Production mode features a multi-stage Docker build to minimize image size.

Infrastructure as code


The repo contains a working example to create an AWS EC2 t2.micro instance automatically with Terraform.

First create a file called terraform.tfwars under the infra directory. I have provided an example, so you can just rename terraform.example.tfvars and fill in your AWS secret credentials in the file.

Update docker-compose.infra.yml and update the keypair path information on your machine.

Then run the following commands:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.infra.yml run --rm terraform init
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.infra.yml run --rm terraform plan
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.infra.yml run --rm terraform apply -auto-approve


Site theme design greatly inspired by this repo: https://github.com/BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-creative.