
pragmatic scrumboard using the MEAN stack and the yeoman angular-fullstack generator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


scrumboard app created with the yeoman angular-fullstack generator

Link: https://yoscrum.herokuapp.com/task


I decided to use the great yeoman angular-fullstack generator, whose purpose it is to create MEAN stack applications, using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node. It's also capable of scaffolding lots of boilerplate code, which saves time and resources at the development.



frontent framework

The main reasons I prefered AngularJs over BackboneJs are:

  • it provides two-way data binding

    • traditional way without two-way data binding
    <div id="greet-form">
        <input type="text" class="user-name" />
        <div class="user-name"></div>
        $('#greet-form input.user-name').on('value', function() { 
            $('#greet-form div.user-name').text('Hello ' + this.val() + '!'); 
    • with two-way data binding and AngularJs
    <input ng-model="user.name" type="text" />
    Hello {{user.name}}!
  • bigger popularity & community

  • cleaner & slimer markup

    • AngularJs
        <li ng-repeat="framework in frameworks" title="{{framework.description}}">
    • BackboneJs
        <% _.each(frameworks, function(framework) { %> 
            <li title="<%- framework.description %>"> 
                <%- framework.name %> 
        <% }); %> 

steps taken

install yeoman & generator

  1. install yeoman npm install -g yo

  2. install angular-fullstack generator npm install -g generator-angular-fullstack

scaffold the app

  1. Make a new directory, and cd into it: mkdir scrumseraya && cd $_

  2. Scaffold the base app yo angular-fullstack scrumseraya

  3. Interactively choose the technologies you want to use. I decided to use

  • Client
    • Scripts: JavaScript
    • Markup: Jade
    • Stylesheets: CSS
    • Angular Router: ui-router
  • Server
    • Database: MongoDB
    • Authentication boilerplate: Yes
    • oAuth integrations: Facebook Twitter Google
    • Socket.io integration: Yes
  1. Scaffold the Endpoint yo angular-fullstack:endpoint task

This will create the model and API on the server:

server/api/task/task.model.js  (optional)
server/api/task/task.socket.js (optional)
  1. Scaffold the route yo angular-fullstack:route task

This will create the client files:

  1. Extend the schema by editing the /server/api/task/task.model.js file
var TaskSchema = new Schema({
  name: String,
  info: String,
  estimation: Number,
  status: String,
  personResponsible: String,
  active: Boolean
  1. Add to the controller on the client client/app/task/task.controller.js
  • populate $scope.tasks = []; array by consuming the /api/tasks api
  • methods for CRUD functionality
  1. Complete by implementing the view client/app/task/task.jade and stylesheets


  1. clone yoscrum and cd into it:

    git clone https://github.com/takahser/yoscrum && cd yoscrum

  2. scaffold a heroku app:

    yo angular-fullstack:heroku

As we are using mongodb, add an addon that provides a mongodb. Instead of the mongohq addon mentioned in the documentation we use mongolab as it provides a free plan.

  1. add the mongolab heroku addon that provides mongodb by changing into the dist/ directory and running

    heroku addons:add mongolab:sandbox

  2. change back to the root of the yoscrum application folder and run

    grunt build

to build the app to the dist/ directory

  1. deploy the app using

    grunt buildcontrol:heroku