Expo Template Realm TypeScript

Supports Expo iOS Supports Expo Android

Simple Expo template to quickly get started with Realm and Realm types.

🚀 How to use

npx create-react-native-app my-app -t @realm/expo-template-ts

  • Run expo start --dev-client, try it out.

🏗 Build with EAS

You can easily use this project with EAS - just follow the steps below.

⚙️ Prepare project

  • adjust value of ios.bundleIdentifier and android.package in app.json
  • run eas build:configure

💪 Build whatever you want

This example comes with two pre-configured build types: release (a production version of your app - ready to be uploaded to stores), with-dev-client (a development version of your app that can be shared with your teammates).

To build the app with the dev client, just run eas build --profile with-dev-client.

Note: the with-dev-client uses the internal distribution on iOS. That's why, you need to add your device to be able to install the built app. To do it, you can use eas device:create.

For more information about EAS, check out documentation.

📝 Notes