
Integrate this with lite-xl ?

franko opened this issue · 2 comments

I was wondering if it make sense to bake this work into lite-xl.

Could you help me, @takase1121, to understand the problem that is solved by this plugin ? I loosely understood that for codepoints that are not present in a font you lookup for them in another font set. Is this enough to make lite work for CJK languages ? It means that you can view and modify files with CJK content ?

Ok, thank you. If you come up with some idea for lite-xl don't hesitate.

Some things we may do in the C side if needed for improved efficiency. As long as we have a clear idea about what we want to do and it is sound and self-contained we can code it is C and integrate it with the editor. On the other side it would be important to accurately define the "scope" of what it does.