
A simple header-only library for writing ZIP files.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


picozip.h is a header-only library that lets you create a ZIP file. It implements the bare minimum (no compression, extended timestamp attribute), so the library is relatively small compared to other libraries such as miniz, minizip-ng, or minizip (zlib).


To use the library, simply include picozip.h and define PICOZIP_IMPLEMENTATION in one of the files that includes picozip.h. Alternatively, you can use the repository as a meson subproject, with an appropriate wrap file.

/** Error types. */
#define PICOZIP_OK 0

/** Callbacks to allocate, free and write data. */
typedef void *(*picozip_alloc_callback)(void *userdata, size_t size);
typedef void (*picozip_free_callback)(void *userdata, void *mem);
typedef size_t (*picozip_write_callback)(void *userdata, const void *mem, size_t size);

/** Stores data for a ZIP file. */
typedef struct picozip__file picozip_file;

/** Library functions */
extern int picozip_new(picozip_file **ofile,
                       picozip_write_callback write_cb,
                       picozip_alloc_callback alloc_cb,
                       picozip_free_callback free_cb,
                       void *userdata);
extern int picozip_new_entry_mem(picozip_file *file, const char *const path,
                                 const uint8_t *data, size_t size);
extern int picozip_new_entry_mem_ex(picozip_file *file, const char *const path,
                                    const uint8_t *data, size_t size, time_t mod_time,
                                    const char *const comment, size_t comment_len);
extern int picozip_end(picozip_file *file);
extern int picozip_end_ex(picozip_file *file, const char *const comment, size_t comment_len);
extern int picozip_free(picozip_file *file);

/** Convenience functions */
extern int picozip_new_mem(picozip_file **ofile);
size_t picozip_get_mem(picozip_file *file, void **mem);
extern int picozip_free_mem(picozip_file *file);

/** File IO functions */
extern int picozip_new_file(picozip_file **ofile, FILE *fptr);
extern int picozip_new_path(picozip_file **ofile, const char *const path, const char *const mode);
extern int picozip_new_entry_path(picozip_file *file, const char *const path,
                                  const char *const comment, size_t comment_len);
extern int picozip_new_entry_file(picozip_file *file, const char *const path, FILE *fptr,
                                  const char *const comment, size_t comment_len);
extern int picozip_free_path(picozip_file *file);

To create a ZIP file in memory, you can use picozip_new_mem(). To create a ZIP file on the filesystem, you can use picozip_new_file() or picozip_new_path(). For advanced use cased, you can use picozip_new() directly with application defined callbacks.

After obtaining a picozip_file pointer, you can add files or directory to it with picozip_new_entry_mem(). This function allows you to specify a path and the contents. You can also use this function to create directories by passing NULL or 0 for the content and size parameters and append a forward slash (/) to the path. Other functions such as picozip_new_entry_path(), picozip_new_entry_file() and picozip_new_entry_mem_ex() allows you to add files directly from the filesystem or customize other data such as modification time and comments.

To finalize the ZIP file, use picozip_end(). This will write the appropriate data structures to the output. picozip_end_ex() can be used to specify a comment for the ZIP file itself. After calling picozip_end(), you can call picozip_free() to free the resources associated with the ZIP file. ZIP files created with picozip_new_mem() and picozip_new_path() should be freed with picozip_free_mem() and picozip_free_path() respectively.


Calling picozip_free() does not call picozip_end(), neither does calling picozip_end() calls picozip_free(). You must call the two functions in the correct sequence.


This library is licensed under the MIT license.