
Evaluation toolkit for Elixir on IoT board

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What's this?

Evaluation toolkit for Elixir on IoT board

  • install.sh: Automatically installation script for Elixir (and Erlang)
  • setup.sh: Compilation and git pull of benchmark apps
  • measure.ex: Measurement of performance (execution time) of CPU-bound apps


  • git client
  • 7z (p7zip-full)
  • Package manager for Elixir installation (e.g., apt, brew)
  • Of course, elixir!!

Benchmark applications

Name Description Author Link
leibniz_formula.ex Calculate Leibniz series formula to 10^8. twinbee Qiita
fibonacci_simple.ex Calculate Fibonacci sequence number by single process. The number is set to 100_000 takatoh blog
fibonacci_process.ex Calculate Fibonacci sequence number by distributed processing. The number and process are set to 37 and 10. This code is appeared in Sec 14.5 in Programming Elixir 1.2 written by Dave Thomas. Dave Thomas Book support page
elixir_agg_csv Elixir Flow CSV Aggregation test: this app aggregates huge CSV data by distributed streaming process. enpedasi GitHub SlideShare
phoenix-showdown Evaluate throughput and latency of Phoenix server. mroth GitHub

NOTE: The copyright of benchmark is attributed to developers of code. See the detail for comment out of code. I would like to thank the developers for publishing code as open source!!

If you want to use elixir_agg_csv and phoenix-showdown apps, Elixir 1.6 or later is needed. Some package system will install old version of Elixir and Erlang. You can build and install the latest version by ./install.sh souce mode.


Install Elixir

$ ./install.sh

This script automatically detect OS/distribution of your system and install Elixir by package manager if you did not install it. Currently we support MacOS, Ubuntu, Raspbian.
It should be noted that some command (e.g. apt, make install) will be done as sudo.


$ ./install.sh clean

Clean up Elixir on your system by package manager.

$ ./install.sh source

This option will download source code of Erlang and Elixir (to ../Elixir_Build) and build them from source code.
Currently this mode will install Erlang OTP 20.3 and Elixir 1.6.4.

Setup evaluation environment

$ ./setup.sh

This script setups the evaluation environment. It compiles *.ex to beam files, and pull apps and build them.


$ ./setup.sh ex

Only perform the compilation of *.ex to beam files.

$ ./setup.sh clean

Clean up beam files and git directories.

Run benchmarks

  • *.ex
$ elixir -e Measure.allex
  • elixir_agg_csv
$ cd elixir_agg_csv/
$ iex -S mix
iex(1)> ElixirFlow.run("test_300000.csv")
iex(2)> ElixirFlow.run("test_3_000_000.csv")
  • phoenix-showdown
$ cd phoenix-showdown/phoenix/benchmarker/
$ mix phoenix.server

On another terminal or system in same network:

$ wrk -t4 -c100 -d30S --timeout 2000 "http://<localhost or BoardIP>:4000/showdown"

Tested IoT boards

We have already tested and evaluated on the following IoT boards.

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
    • Quad Core 1.2GHz Broadcom BCM2837 64bit CPU (arm Cortex-A53)
    • 1GB LPDDR2 RAM
    • BCM43438 wireless LAN and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on board
    • Tested OS/distribution:
    • Samsung Exynos5422 Cortex™-A15 2.0Ghz quad core and Cortex™-A7 1.4Ghz quad core CPUs
      • arm big.LITTE with a Heterogeneous Multi-Processing (HMP) solution and Dynamic Voltage and Frequecy Scaling (DVFS) support.
    • Mali-T628 MP6(OpenGL ES 3.0/2.0/1.1 and OpenCL 1.1 Full profile)
    • 2Gbyte LPDDR3 RAM at 933MHz (14.9GB/s memory bandwidth)
    • 10/100Mbps Ethernet with RJ-45 Jack
      • We use WLI-UC-G301N USB-WiFi adaptor to connect the network.
    • Tested OS/distribution:
  • ZYBO
    • Xilinx Zynq-7000 (XC7Z010-1CLG400C)
      • 650 MHz dual-core Cortex™-A9 processor
      • 512 MB x32 DDR3 w/ 1050Mbps bandwidth
      • FPGA fabric: 28,000 logic cells / 240 KB Block RAM
    • Trimode (1Gbit/100Mbit/10Mbit) Ethernet PHY
    • Tested OS/distribution:
  • Reference: MacBook Pro (2016)
    • Intel Core i7-6567U dual-core CPU @ 3.3 GHz (4-threads)
    • 16GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
    • Intel Iris Graphics 550 1536 MB
    • macOS High Sierra 10.13.4

Summary of specification

Board OS Core Memory Network
Raspberry Pi 3B Raspbian Desktop 4.9 / Ubuntu MATE 16.04 4x 1.2GHz Cortex-A53 1GB LPDDR2 150Mbps 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n WiFi
ODROID-XU3 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 4x 2.0GHz Cortex-A15 + 4x 1.4GHz Cortex-A7 2GB LPDDR3 300Mbps 2.4GHz 802.11n/g/b WiFi
ZYBO Xillinux-2.0 2x 650MHz Cortex-A9 512MB DDR3 1GBit Ethernet PHY
MacBook Pro macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 2x 3.3GHz Core i7 (4-threads) 16GB LPDDR3 433.3Mbps 5.0GHz 802.11ac/b/g/n WiFi

Evaluation results @2018-05-07

Please PR if you have evaluated another IoT boards!!


Board OS leibniz_formula fibonacci_simple fibonacci_process
RaspberryPi3B Raspbian 114.470 14.329 14.474
Ubuntu 118.107 5.050 15.888
ODROID-XU3 Ubuntu 48.475 6.816 6.943
ZYBO Ubuntu 161.342 *1 41.789
MacBook Pro High Sierra 7.663 1.776 2.694

[unit: second]

*1: ZYBO could not run fibonacci_simple due to memory limitation. (eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 220742620 bytes of memory (of type "old_heap").)

[NOTE]: applying to DVFS for *.ex apps

Following table denotes the results when core frequency of RP3 and ODROID-XU3 is set to 600MHz by the DVFS technology.

Board OS leibniz_formula fibonacci_simple fibonacci_process
RaspberryPi3B Raspbian 226.617 17.529 28.906
Ubuntu 240.612 9.249 31.856
ODROID-XU3 Ubuntu 160.609 15.204 19.737
ZYBO Ubuntu 161.342 *1 41.789

[unit: second]


Board OS test_300000.csv test_3_000_000.csv
RaspberryPi3B Raspbian 11.128 81.776
Ubuntu 9.326 82.487
ODROID-XU3 Ubuntu 4.828 46.956
ZYBO Ubuntu 34.380 284.712
MacBook Pro High Sierra 1.958 22.798

[unit: second]


Board OS Throughput [req/s] Latency [ms] Consistency [σ ms]
RaspberryPi3B Raspbian 785.25 351.47 771.85
Ubuntu 878.89 113.30 31.68
ODROID-XU3 Ubuntu 859.60 112.67 25.82
ZYBO Ubuntu 459.28 216.72 83.10
MacBook Pro High Sierra 2910.18 38.85 36.93

NOTE: Evaluation of wrk has been done from MacBook Pro on same network (to http://<BoardIP>:4000/). ZYBO was connect via ethernet cable and others were via WiFi by relaying Buffalo WCR-1166DS router.


  • 2018-04-18: Published to 1st evaluation results
  • 2018-05-06: Changed to execution method of *.ex
  • 2018-05-06: Added to evaluation results of *.ex when DVFS to RP3 and ODROID-XU3 were applied
  • 2018-05-06: Added to CSV results (./result_csv) when varying argument of each apps
  • 2018-05-07: Updated to evaluation result

Please PR if you have evaluated another IoT boards!!


Basically MIT License, but the copyright of *.ex files is attributed to developers of code. See the detail for comment out of code.

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