Xcode Source Editor Extension is strictly restricted in its sandbox. This project introduces the way to jump over the barrier.
Associated presentation: Xcode Source Editor Extensionの世界 (Japanese) https://speakerdeck.com/takasek/20170916-number-iosdc
- Pasteboard as input
- Pasteboard as output
- Another App as output
- Another App as output using URL scheme
- Linux command execution
- Network connection
- Linux command execution beyond Sandbox using XPC
- not worked yet I don't know why... any advices are welcome!
- refer to another worked example at https://github.com/norio-nomura/SwiftLintForXcode
- GUI presentation with the bundled App
Swift 4
Using and Extending the Xcode Source Editor - WWDC 2016 - Videos - Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2016/414/
Cocoa Interprocess Communication with XPC - WWDC 2012 - Videos - Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2012/241/