
Yii2 IDE Helper

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Yii2 IDE Helper Generator


Require this package with composer using the following command:

composer require mis/yii2-ide-helper --dev

or add

"mis/yii2-ide-helper": "*"

to the require-dev section of your composer.json file.


After updating composer, add the component to the components array and bootstrap array in config file of console application:

'bootstrap' => ['log', 'ideHelper'],
'components' => [
    'ideHelper' => [
      	'class' => 'Mis\IdeHelper\IdeHelper',

Now you can generate ide helper file by command:

php yii ide-helper/generate


'ideHelper' => [
    'class' => 'Mis\IdeHelper\IdeHelper',
    'filename' => '_ide_helper',
    'format' => 'php',
    'rootDir' => dirname(__DIR__),
    'configFiles' => [

Default config files:

protected $defaultConfigFiles = [