
Send Jenkins CI job status to smart phones

Primary LanguagePython


Updates (2015-07-24)

  • Retrieve Jenkins CI job status
  • Send the job result as a notification
  • Add logging

Updates (2015-07-23)

Initial commit

  • The script is capable of sending a notification with no proxy.


  • Requires Python 2.7+
  • Requires Pushover.net account to send notifications
  • Requires iOS or Android device with Pushover client (NOT FREE)
  • Requires a working proxy configuration in order to send notification to Pushover

It may work on Python 2.6 or 3.0 but I did not test it (and I will not test it until I actually need to downgrade/upgrade Python on my own machine).


Pushover offers a limited number of notifications per month for free. You may be charged if you send excessive number of notifications.


Update configuration file, donut.json, before running donut.py.

  "pushover": {
    "user_key": "Your user key at Pushover.net",
    "api_token": "Your application API token at Pushover.net",
    "url": "https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json"

  "proxy": {
    "enabled": "1",
    "url": "Your proxy URL",
    "port": "Port number for the proxy server",
    "username": "Your proxy username",
    "password": "Your proxy password",

  "jenkins": {
    "url": "http://your_jenkins_server/jenkins/view/XXXX/job",
    "suffix": "lastBuild/api/json",
    "jobs": [ "Jenkins_Job_1",
              "Jenkins_Job_3" ]

After the configuration is complete, run donut.py from a Terminal console.

python donut.py