Convenience functions for unit testing in Coq.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import CUnit.All.
Import ListNotations.
Definition test_plus : List.map_pair plus
[(0, 0); (0, 3); (4, 0); (4, 3)] =
[0; 3; 4; 7] :=
Install the Coq repository:
opam repo add coq-released
and run:
opam install coq-cunit
make install
List.map_pair {A B C} (f : A -> B -> C) (l : list (A * B)) : list C
List.map_triple {A B C D} (f : A -> B -> C -> D) (l : list (A * B * C)) : list D
List.map_quad {A B C D E} (f : A -> B -> C -> D -> E) (l : list (A * B * C * D)) : list E