
Lecture Notes for INF281 Basics of Bioinformatics Sequence Analysis

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Lecture Notes for INF281 Basics of Bioinformatics Sequence Analysis

Build Status

This repository contains the sources files of the lecture notes for INF281 Basics of bioinformatics sequence analysis. The generated PDFs are available on the Release page.

INF281 Exercises and Solutions are availabe here.

Course description


Only basic mathematical background is required. We cover several mathematical concepts where needed. We assume that you know how to read and write basic computer programs, preferably in Java.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the course you should be able to: explain the basis of molecular biology pertaining to the course,

  • make local or global pairwise alignments by dynamic programming,
  • compare pairwise and multiple sequence alignment algorithms in terms of challenges and applications,
  • perform sequence based searches in biological databases and subsequent statistical analyses on the search results,
  • review classification performance measures in the fields of biological sequence analysis, and
  • create working implementations of basic bioinformatics algorithms.

Course structure

PART I Introduction

  • Introduction

PART II Pairwise alignment

  • Global pairwise alignment

  • Expansion of scoring scheme

  • Local pairwise alignment

PART III Database search and statistical evaluation

  • Database search and BLAST

  • Evaluation of alignment scores

  • Model evaluation

PART IV Multiple alignment and phylogenetic tree

  • Multiple alignment

  • Phylogenetic tree

  • Progressive alignment and CLUSTAL

PART V Scoring scheme and sequence patterns

  • Score matrix

  • Sequence profiles

  • Hidden Markov model

  • Sequence patterns

PART VI RNA structure prediction

  • RNA structure prediction



An Algorithmic Approach to Sequence and Structure Analysis

I. Eidhammer, I. Jonassen, and W.R.Taylor

  • Chapters 1-7, Appendix A, B
  • Print ISBN: 9780470848395
  • Online ISBN: 9780470092620
  • DOI: 10.1002/9780470092620